Sunday, May 19, 2013

Out of What Was.. Into What Can Be!

Out of What Was… Into What Can Be!

There is nothing more powerful in life than coming through a disaster with a new outlook on life and energy to press forward into power as never before. The past isn’t meant to be brought into the future, but all that you learn from the negative experiences in your life are definitely meant to be used right NOW.

Recently, I met a new friend. Of course, when you become interested in another individual, it’s as if you bring out the old photo albums and review your entire life, pointing out the most significant times. During this past review I noticed that almost every monumental change in my life was just after a terrible impasse. Every truth that I truly cherished had come from the most devastating of tribulations.

So, if you think about that, why is it that we cringe when we are facing what seems to be insurmountable struggle? Why not count it all divine treasures that God has placed trials specifically in your life to become the best person you can be?

This is when a spiritual path, such as meditation, can be so significant in your life. Meditation teaches you to calm your mind and let’s the cognitive mind control the body, while the spirit watches over the mind. This training can lead you to a place of understanding yourself in an entirely different way.

Instead of being reactionary to something hard that is moving through your life, you become an observer. You say to yourself, “Maybe this isn’t so bad. Maybe if I tried learning the lesson from this, instead of complaining about it, I could actually find my way to the light a lot faster.”

For me, one of the most devastating times in my life was when my partner and I moved back from New York City to Nashville. We discovered that a dear friend had stolen from us, and then told stories to preachers, friends, and family to cover her misdeeds. Our hearts were broken for months as we tried to understand why God would call us back to Nashville, only to face the worst of times.

In looking back at the time, I realize that my deepest prayers and supplications rose to God’s ears as I found the most authentic place of peace inside myself. God wasn’t trying to harm me. God was trying to teach me about my power and help me understand the purpose of my human nature. Even more importantly, I believe Spirit led me to understand compassion as I sorted through so much anger and old messages from my past and learned to stay authentic to my heart’s longings.

I ended up writing a book about the entire process in the midst of it. I never got it published, but I’ve shared it with many people over the years. If you feel led to read the book, I’d be happy to send it to you free of charge. It’s called: Theoraphasz—Lessons from the Heart. Just email me at and I’ll send you a Word Document or a PDF for your reader. Let me know which you’d prefer.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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