Monday, May 6, 2013

Let the Weeds Grow Alongside the Wheat

Let the Weeds Grow Alongside the Wheat

I have five gardens. I love my gardens and have become quite the master gardener over the years. In days of old, I used to kill every thing I laid my hands on. But for some reason when I decided I wanted to connect with the earth, it felt as if I were wearing a golden glove. Everything I touched sprouted and grew with veracity.

When I see weeds in the midst of my gardens, I set about trying to pluck them so that they don’t overwhelm the flowers or vegetables. I want all the nurturing vitamins and the water from the soil to go only to the plants, so they mature with strength.

However, this was not Jesus’s advice when it came to the Master’s garden of life’s lessons. Yesterday, I had an epiphany during church at Knoxville Unity.  Rev. Lora Beth Gilbreath spoke on Matthew 13—the parable of Jesus explaining about wheat that was planted by the Master. In the night weeds were sown alongside the wheat.

When the gardeners asked the master if they were to pull out the weeds, the Master commanded: Leave the weeds! Let them grow alongside the wheat until the harvest. Then collect the weeds and burn them. Place the wheat in the barn. (paraphrased)

He explained that if you plucked the weeds, you might mess up the root system of the wheat. It would be better to let the weeds grow and then harvest the wheat when is has fully grown.

This metaphor is fairly clear to me now that the wheat is our human existence and spiritual growth. The weeds are the ego and it’s lessons.

Every day our lessons coincide with our growth—as the wheat and the weeds grow along side one another. Negative things must be processed with our ego to actually support the spiritual growth in our life. If we pluck out all of the sensations and drive of the ego, we don’t really honor our earthly path. We are here to understand the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, and love and hate. When we take away the lessons, there is no groundbreaking understanding to support spiritual growth in our lives.

Once the spiritual growth happens in a certain area of life, it may be time to pluck out the weeds and harvest the lessons you have learned. Even in this harvest time, it may also be great to share what you have reaped from the lessons learned with those around you, as you would from a lovely garden planted with vegetables and herbs overflowing.

Your ego is a very important facet of your life. Though your spirituality is the driving force behind your mind and body, the transforming power of the spirit always uses the ego to create situations in our lives to bring about tremendous, life-changing growth.
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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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