Sunday, May 26, 2013

Many Blessings, Many Trials

Many Blessings, Many Trials

Sometimes I wonder if blessings don’t always come on the heels of a tremendous trial. This makes me somewhat less sad when something comes into my life to tempt me or try my patience. I know, eventually, I’ll learn a big lesson and get on with my wonderful life, having learned a beautiful, spiritual lesson.

When I look at all that I have buried in the course of my life, I have enough past to fill three cemeteries. Going back to the grave site over and over again, year after year, only makes me meander through headstones of what ifs and why thats.

I had a friend who went to a celebration/fundraiser today to make money to help a cemetery stay clean, decorated with flowers, and keep the headstones from being rife with bird droppings. How ridiculous all that sounded to me. “You are going to what? To do what?” I’m more inclined to listen to Jesus’s words, “Let the dead bury the dead.”

I don’t want to be buried. I don’t want to be viewed and embalmed. I want to be cremated and tossed somewhere beautiful so my physical body finds a home back in the earth from whence it came. My spirit, I’m sure will be long gone and in the arms of loving angels, reunited with loved ones who passed, and with God by the time all those gather who loved me.

How can we commemorate the dead without having to go through all of this grieving and sitting over an embalmed body that barely looks like the person it once housed? I understand the traditions of reliving happy memories in the form of funerals and eulogies, and how for some it honors the past memories of the loved one’s life. But for me, I’d be satisfied having a celebration with pictures and videos of that friend or family member. Gather together all the people who shared memories of that person and converse about how he/she changed your life. This would be the best way to honor me, I believe. Premortem, I imagine a celebration of my life, not a river of tears mourning my departure.

I do understand, though, how tears accompany death, because we don’t quite understand how to live our current lives without the departed. I get that. I have cried often at a death. But tears are not what got me through the passing of a loved-one’s life.

How I deal with death is that I imagine the spirit of my loved one turning into an angel who now has the perfect paradigm to guide and watch over my life. They have lived with and watched my life in human form. Now, as a spirit, it is much easier to understand the predicaments of my life and can guide me into paths of prosperity and truth and wisdom.  

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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