Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I May Not Be There Yet!

I May Not Be There Yet!

Life is a journey. Some people find a destination and their entire life is about attaining goals: retirement, financial goals, the perfect job, that one lasting relationship. But the truth is that if you don’t make life about the path toward the goal, you miss much of the beauty of life.

I remember when I first started writing books. I wanted to get that fantastic book deal, helping me leap to fame and fortune. Everything I did was moving toward that goal. I queried agents, publishers, and managers. If I got one rejection letter, I would send another letter out trying to get noticed.

When I would receive a rejection letter, it was as if everything in life stopped for a while, until I got the energy to begin writing again. I’d start that next book with better characters, a more significant plot, and the page-turning story every publisher seemed to look for. But my head was stuck in a hole. I made a subconscious deal with myself that I wouldn’t be happy until I got that perfect publishing deal. So, I wasn’t happening.

“No matter where you go, there you are. But everyone has to be some place.” (Anonymous)

“The question is not why are you busy. Ants are busy. But what are you busy about?”(Anonymous)

Then one day I read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. In the book Tolle talked about living everyday in the present. He suggested that all of life was in the now—the joy, the reality, the pain, the angst—everything existed right in this moment. If you lived in the future or in the past, you missed all of life.

I began to assess that idea, considering my own life and my own goals. I decided that I would try to release all that no longer served my life and fill it with present happiness. If I didn’t feel like writing or didn’t have a purpose in writing, I simply wouldn’t. If I wasn’t happy with the present, I would face it head on, instead of avoiding it with monumental goals that might never be achieved.

In doing so, I faced the greatest challenge of all, accepting what is—accepting what God had put on my plate to face and consume mentally and physically in each moment. When I began to do this, I learned that karmically, things began to change in my life. I seemed to immerse myself in the moment and take from the present all that God had to give. Even the challenges became a part of this wonderful path that Spirit creates to get us to move toward our ultimate goals in life.

Take the time to breathe today and feel your body, the moment, and your present situation. Face it head on. Don’t anticipate the future. Let God unfold your life like the perfect book that you are co-writing with Spirit. Let every day be that page turner. Immerse your senses into the now with everything you got and watch spirit live and move and breathe through your being like a living organism or truth.

And so it is.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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