Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Is Wholeness an Outward Condition?

When we think of being whole, our minds go to a healthy body, generally. But wholeness starts with inspiration from spirit, spreads to the mind.  The mind then directs the body to complete the picture of a total oneness.

When you consider working toward health, begin with your relationship to God or Spirit. I don’t have any particular propensity to get anyone to have the same spiritual belief I have, so don’t think about spirituality as a Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, etc. belief. Spirituality is simply your connection to the universe and decided purpose on earth. If you can find that belief without having any kind of spiritual or religious affiliation, so be it.

Personally, I have more of a Christian background, as I was a Pentecostal minister for a while. But as I have grown to see God as one with all and breaking the tiny boundaries of books and bibles, my beliefs have changed toward a Buddhist practice with a Christian Godhead. It works for me.

Buddhism doesn’t have a deity. Buddha is simply shows the path to Nirvana. So, you can practice Buddhism and have your deity be God or Jesus. That works for me and feels comfortable in my skin. It has taken me many years to discover who I am spiritually, but the path of understanding has begun a road to total wholeness in my mind as well.

Now that I know what I believe and how to practice what I understand to be truth, I know that God has created us in It’s Image. If that is true, then we, too, are creators. If I am a creator, I look toward the way Jesus and God created. I can perform miracles—mind and body; I can see the future; and I can be led by angels and spirits of God. When I believe this about life, I begin to take action.

For instance, Jesus said, “Physician, heal thyself!”

I take His message to heart. I become an observer of my life and my body. I watch the ways my mind works and my body functions. To create effective change in either, I must have a fair picture of what wholeness is, and then compare my life to that image.

When I see where I am falling behind, developing illness, creating bad thoughts, I know for sure that the expression of my life is going to follow a negative path. When I see things positively, can picture my body whole and alive, I know that eventually my life will move in that direction.  There has never been a time in your life that something good or bad hasn’t without it first starting with a thought. If you think bad things are going to happen, they usually do. Conversely, if you believe in the power of good and imagine prosperity, that, too, will happen.

So, as an observer, I take every thought and action into captivity and create positive change with affirmations (speaking or repeating the opposite, positive truth about myself and a bad situation), see myself as whole (learn to imagine in meditation and prayer that spirit is working on my behalf and leading me to a healthy body). This would also include being led on my own behalf to paths more fruitful and loving, eating healthier, exercising, and quitting bad habits that affect the body negatively.

So, the path to wholeness starts with finding a spiritual path that works for you. From there, use that path to create positive change in your mind. The mind then uses its God-given power to affect perfect and lasting change in your human body and in your ego mind.

If you use this formula, I promise your life will change within weeks. Of course, you must have faith—even the size of grain of mustard seed—that you have this power and God has given it to you as part of being a child of the universe. That is why the idea of spirituality is the most effective way to find change in your life.

Psychological studies have proven that people with a spiritual belief are more likely to get off of drugs, change habits and heal quicker. These statistics are written in scientific studies and proven by the myriad of people using the power of spirit and mind in body to make life long, effective change. And so it is!

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com.

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