Monday, December 30, 2013

Why Gluten Free? Part 1 #glutenfree

Why Gluten Free?  Part 1 #glutenfree

If you’ve been hearing a great deal about the benefits of going gluten free, you’re not alone. If you’ve been noticing that grocery store aisles for gluten free products are growing, you are not alone. In fact, the gluten-free industry made 3.5 billion dollars last year, and you need to know why.

I have gleaned most of my information from a great book called Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter, who is a neurological surgeon and also a founding member of Holistic Foundation and has a doctorate in nutrition as well. In this book you will find 1000s reasons to get off of gluten, add necessary fat back into your diet, and remove most of the sugar and simple carbs from your diet.

The influence of gluten and sugar in the diet, not only cause inflammation to the joints and make your stomach feel sour, but they can cause insistent migraines, contribute to diabetes, cause other neurological problems such as twitching, Turret’s, and Lou Garrick’s disease, and most importantly Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Your brain needs a proper amount of fat to function properly. But when you introduce gluten, too many carbs, and sugar to your diet, the fat that is supposed to go to your brain to help with depression and to think accurately, releases one of its atoms making the fat a free radical in the body. LDL fats, which have been known to be bad for the body, are actually essential for the brain’s health. But these LDL fats cannot be free radical fats. Sugar and carbs are what cause these fats to change from an essential part of brain health to a detrimental form.

Dr. Perlmutter has found that almost everyone has a resistance to gluten, even people who don’t have Celiac disease. He includes a few blood tests in his book to help your figure out if you are sensitive. As I said, most people are because of how gluten is processed in the body. These grains are the main problems, mostly because the have been highly modified in the past few years by scientists: wheat, rye, barley, semolina, spelt, matzo, couscous, wheat germ, bulgur.

In the next week, I’m going to walk you through some of the problems with gluten, starches, and sugar in your diet and help you find great alternatives in the food market today.


New Challenge: Go to Week 9 of the “Year to CLEAR Challenge” at

Look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!

Below is information that I will be sharing for about a month, as not every person on my list reads the blog every day. If you have already read it, just skip over it. Thanks for understanding.

A Year to CLEAR Challenge:
(Please Know: You Can Join Us At Any Point in the Year Challenge.)

The masses search outward for things that qualify them as a person, but I always go inward for that which quantifies me for greatness. At twenty-five I preached on street corners in NYC as an in-the-closet Pentecostal minister. One day I heard a still small voice say, ‘God cannot be contained in a book or a law or even in a religion. Dig deeper, reach further to find me, and you will find your authentic Self.’”

A Year to CLEAR Challenge!

The acronym CLEAR stands for (Compassionate, Loving, Enthusiastic, And Relationship-Ready). The goal of this project is to engulf readers in a weekly study that will transform them by removing blocks, promote self-growth, and give them wings to fly freely into daily life. Each week, by going to and choosing the Year to CLEAR Challenge tab, a new challenge or thought to provoke conversation, growth, and group functionality.

My vision is to make Finding Authentic You the book to have in your Kindle or on your computer. The book is a comprehensive look at growth—spiritually, mentally, and physically.

As a yoga teacher and student of the Ayurvedic tradition, I bring to the table understanding of physical challenges, the ability to overcome mental problems with Life & Health Coaching, as well as hypnotherapy, and expertise in meditation and spirituality as a minister.

The combination of all three in one book with an interactive connection to like-minded readers, for one year, is what makes this Year to CLEAR Challenge a must-do for every spiritual seeker.

The One-Year Approach to Change

No one believes he or she can change overnight. But success in change comes from the metaphors of nature. Seasonally, life changes all around us in nature. Finding Authentic You offers a gradual change perspective, looking at the triune aspects of change as in yoga: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Accessing the ability to change and finding yourself actually pursuing change must be a daily search, which I call getting to the “observer mind.”

In this frontal cortex of the brain we find the anatomy of change and the power to counter every negative trigger of the human process. The workings of Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) are all positive actions to help the mind and body flow to a positive space for change.

Every aspect of FINDING AUTHENTIC YOU fulfills this constant need for diffusing the negative past and dreaming of a fulfilling future.

Step 1: Recognize That Change is Inevitable
Step 2: Release from Resistance to Change
Step 3: Understanding Change and Allow Spirit to Define It
Step 4: A History Lesson—About You
Step 5: Look at Your Past with Compassion
Step 6: Making a Strong Commitment to Change
Step 7: Dream Your Fabulous Future
Go to for Week One to Four Challenges:
Go to Storefront to buy any of the following or make a donation to Finding Authentic You:

·       My Latest Book: Finding Authentic You—7 Steps to Effective Change (800 page downloadable Kindle version)
·       Introduction to Meditation
·       Smoke Cessation mp3
·       Weight Loss mp3
·       Hypnotic Lap Band surgery Mp3
·       Insomnia mp3
·       Eternal Om mp3
·       Meditation Music mp3
·       Guide to Meditation mp3
·       Healing the Body mp3
·       And my “Lessons from the Heart” book ready for your download purchase.
Go to Home Page:

* * *

Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed.

I am trying to spread the word about my blog and I need your help. Please let your friends know it exists, if it gives you hope and blesses you each day.  I would be greatly pleased for you to share anything that you read by clicking the share button in, or add it to your Twitter at BoSebastian; or LinkedIN at; or find this blog home at Any of my books can be found on Amazon or Barnes and Nobel, just by typing my name in the search header.

Also, look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Decorating for Valentine's Day #valentinesday

Decorating for Valentine’s Day #valentinesday

I went to Kroger two days before Christmas for what I forgot to buy the day before. As I picked up some milk and butter, I noticed a huge cart in the 75% off aisle. Nothing moves me faster than a sale! So, I rushed over to Aisle 10 to find a woman taking down Christmas items and putting up Valentine’s Day cards, candy, and gifts. Really? Wow, if you didn’t think life was about consumerism at that moment, then you haven’t been watching closely.

Since none of the regular television shows were being aired during the holiday, I watched a new show last night called Mind Games. If you’ve never seen it, you are in for a real treat. The title doesn’t describe what the show is about. The entire 30 minutes was about creating scenarios where the mind sees things—or doesn’t see things—because of the limited amount of concentration of our brains and focus of our eyes. I was astonished how many times I missed people changing clothes, adding wigs, fixing hair differently, and even people switched for another person, as I tried to focus on something mundane, such as counting the amount of footballs flying across the screen. What we miss in life because of our limited minds is amazing.

Of course, this got me thinking. If a store starts in December thinking about Valentine’s Day, then even subconsciously I’m going to add this to my list of things to do as early as January. Articles seen in our periphery subconsciously sneak into our minds and hearts like bugs crawling through cracks under winter storm doors. We may not focus on them, but our mind catch a slight peek and stores the data and might dream about getting attacked by large bug creatures.

So, this concept could be seen for differences within group consciousness as well. If you watch a large majority of mainstream television, you automatically know that the new normal is a gay person on almost every show, except, of course, Duck Dynasty (though I’m sure one is hiding in open site). For about fifteen years, or at least since Will & Grace aired, television has slowly, but surely, been changing our minds about the gay perspective. They have changed the consciousness of middle Americans from gays being a queer strain of human to an almost normal person with different sexual desires. This is a good thing. If you wonder why so many states have passed marriage laws, it’s not because people have suddenly woken up to fairness. No, no, no. The reason is because of Hollywood and the news helping the gays move towards a fair shake by recreating the gay paradigm for most of America’s consciousness.

If you want to see how news and media shape consciousness, just carefully watch an election. You don’t have to look too deeply to notice that someone like the Republican gynecologist from Tennessee who won an election in a small town, even though he got a patient pregnant and asked her to get an abortion. Not even detrimental news could sway voters away from a politician who was not supporting Obamacare. That was the only issue on this ticket. Policy didn’t matter. Morals didn’t matter. Truth didn’t even matter. The only thing the wise PR people did was make the Republican’s ads about anti-Democratic behavior. I really don’t care what side of the political ticket you sit on, you have to see that this politician should not have been elected. Yet, he won by a large majority.

I was saddened by how much people don’t see, when they are focused on something else. So, today, take a good look around you. Don’t limit your focus only on what your intention happens to be. Take a moment to view the entire scenario. Perhaps, you will find a different world waiting for you today, one you never expected.

New Challenge: Go to Week 9 of the “Year to CLEAR Challenge” at

Look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!

Below is information that I will be sharing for about a month, as not every person on my list reads the blog every day. If you have already read it, just skip over it. Thanks for understanding.

A Year to CLEAR Challenge:
(Please Know: You Can Join Us At Any Point in the Year Challenge.)

The masses search outward for things that qualify them as a person, but I always go inward for that which quantifies me for greatness. At twenty-five I preached on street corners in NYC as an in-the-closet Pentecostal minister. One day I heard a still small voice say, ‘God cannot be contained in a book or a law or even in a religion. Dig deeper, reach further to find me, and you will find your authentic Self.’”

A Year to CLEAR Challenge!

The acronym CLEAR stands for (Compassionate, Loving, Enthusiastic, And Relationship-Ready). The goal of this project is to engulf readers in a weekly study that will transform them by removing blocks, promote self-growth, and give them wings to fly freely into daily life. Each week, by going to and choosing the Year to CLEAR Challenge tab, a new challenge or thought to provoke conversation, growth, and group functionality.

My vision is to make Finding Authentic You the book to have in your Kindle or on your computer. The book is a comprehensive look at growth—spiritually, mentally, and physically.

As a yoga teacher and student of the Ayurvedic tradition, I bring to the table understanding of physical challenges, the ability to overcome mental problems with Life & Health Coaching, as well as hypnotherapy, and expertise in meditation and spirituality as a minister.

The combination of all three in one book with an interactive connection to like-minded readers, for one year, is what makes this Year to CLEAR Challenge a must-do for every spiritual seeker.

The One-Year Approach to Change

No one believes he or she can change overnight. But success in change comes from the metaphors of nature. Seasonally, life changes all around us in nature. Finding Authentic You offers a gradual change perspective, looking at the triune aspects of change as in yoga: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Accessing the ability to change and finding yourself actually pursuing change must be a daily search, which I call getting to the “observer mind.”

In this frontal cortex of the brain we find the anatomy of change and the power to counter every negative trigger of the human process. The workings of Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) are all positive actions to help the mind and body flow to a positive space for change.

Every aspect of FINDING AUTHENTIC YOU fulfills this constant need for diffusing the negative past and dreaming of a fulfilling future.

Step 1: Recognize That Change is Inevitable
Step 2: Release from Resistance to Change
Step 3: Understanding Change and Allow Spirit to Define It
Step 4: A History Lesson—About You
Step 5: Look at Your Past with Compassion
Step 6: Making a Strong Commitment to Change
Step 7: Dream Your Fabulous Future
Go to for Week One to Four Challenges:
Go to Storefront to buy any of the following or make a donation to Finding Authentic You:

·       My Latest Book: Finding Authentic You—7 Steps to Effective Change (800 page downloadable Kindle version)
·       Introduction to Meditation
·       Smoke Cessation mp3
·       Weight Loss mp3
·       Hypnotic Lap Band surgery Mp3
·       Insomnia mp3
·       Eternal Om mp3
·       Meditation Music mp3
·       Guide to Meditation mp3
·       Healing the Body mp3
·       And my “Lessons from the Heart” book ready for your download purchase.
Go to Home Page:

* * *

Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed.

I am trying to spread the word about my blog and I need your help. Please let your friends know it exists, if it gives you hope and blesses you each day.  I would be greatly pleased for you to share anything that you read by clicking the share button in, or add it to your Twitter at BoSebastian; or LinkedIN at; or find this blog home at Any of my books can be found on Amazon or Barnes and Nobel, just by typing my name in the search header.

Also, look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Portrait of My Mother; A Portrait of Me

A Portrait of My Mother; A Portrait of Me

I trace the fine lines around my mother’s eyes and feel the rich colors of her heart in every passing gaze. Yet, in the silence of whispers and in the magic of doing nothing, I follow the long silken strains to the inner recesses of her undernourished mind. The magic this Christmas was realizing that all she is, everything she was, and even her future reflects a mirror image of myself.

I spent a few days a little depressed around the holidays. Every time I asked myself what was wrong, I kept repeating that I’m frightened about the future. I wondered if I’m good enough to keep love flowing in my life, to sustain a thriving business, and to continue to write with persistence and authenticity. All seemed to come to a head when I wrote down how many people I have unresolved issues with in my life. I made a list like Santa. Only, I checked this list thrice. Yes, there were at least fifty people on the list about whom every time I recall the past, I feel a sensation of sadness. When I go down the road of our last conversations and recount the great moments in our lives, I realize that all I really feel is loss. I repeat to myself, “This is Direction, Bo; not Rejection!” Yet, I still feel the stinging pain of abandonment in every lost relationship; especially now during the holiday.

I sat at the kitchen table with my mother this afternoon. She said, “I’m going to use the new plates you bought me for Christmas dinner. I sure do wish I had some nice salad plates to go with them.”

I took a deep breath and spoke quietly: “Why is it so hard to be thankful for what you have and not complain about what you don’t have?”

She responded, “I’m not complaining. I’m just stating a fact! I’m thankful about the plates you bought.”

Yet, all I could hear in her issuance of the statement about the salad plates was: I wish you had bought me a set with pretty salad plates! I let myself feel guilt and manipulated by her words, instead of taking them at face value. Then, it occurred to me just how much she has done without, her entire life. Finally, I’m able to give her things she had never had, the security of a life that she thought she would never get. So, when she makes statements such as the one about the dinner plate, perhaps, it’s just that she feels the sense of lack from her past more than she feels the joy of having something lovely in the present. Or her mind sees the holes in the infrastructure of her life, rather than focusing on the solid, secure basement.

You know, I can understand this concept. I had mentioned about the sadness about the fifty people in my life. But what I didn’t tell you was how many thousands more I have in my life who absolutely love and adore me and make my heart overflow with joy daily. I have a partner that is the best man in the world. He makes me laugh and smile all the time. He helps me feel secure and loved 99% of the time. I have a job that excites me every day. And I have artistic hobbies that keeps me flowing with creative energy. With all that is good in my life, I am still a portrait of my mother. I trace and retrace all that is wrong with my life, instead of settling on the wonder and the joy that God recreates in my life every day and every moment.

Life isn’t about loss. To quote a woman who had conquered cancer, only to find a new growth, years later, she said, “Life is loss. Every moment of every day passes before you have the chance to enjoy it. The trick to being happy is to cherish the current moment, more than you mourn the loss of the one passing you!”


New Challenge: Go to Week 8 of the “Year to CLEAR Challenge” at


Look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!

Below is information that I will be sharing for about a month, as not every person on my list reads the blog every day. If you have already read it, just skip over it. Thanks for understanding.

A Year to CLEAR Challenge:
(Please Know: You Can Join Us At Any Point in the Year Challenge.)

The masses search outward for things that qualify them as a person, but I always go inward for that which quantifies me for greatness. At twenty-five I preached on street corners in NYC as an in-the-closet Pentecostal minister. One day I heard a still small voice say, ‘God cannot be contained in a book or a law or even in a religion. Dig deeper, reach further to find me, and you will find your authentic Self.’”

A Year to CLEAR Challenge!

The acronym CLEAR stands for (Compassionate, Loving, Enthusiastic, And Relationship-Ready). The goal of this project is to engulf readers in a weekly study that will transform them by removing blocks, promote self-growth, and give them wings to fly freely into daily life. Each week, by going to and choosing the Year to CLEAR Challenge tab, a new challenge or thought to provoke conversation, growth, and group functionality.

My vision is to make Finding Authentic You the book to have in your Kindle or on your computer. The book is a comprehensive look at growth—spiritually, mentally, and physically.

As a yoga teacher and student of the Ayurvedic tradition, I bring to the table understanding of physical challenges, the ability to overcome mental problems with Life & Health Coaching, as well as hypnotherapy, and expertise in meditation and spirituality as a minister.

The combination of all three in one book with an interactive connection to like-minded readers, for one year, is what makes this Year to CLEAR Challenge a must-do for every spiritual seeker.

The One-Year Approach to Change

No one believes he or she can change overnight. But success in change comes from the metaphors of nature. Seasonally, life changes all around us in nature. Finding Authentic You offers a gradual change perspective, looking at the triune aspects of change as in yoga: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Accessing the ability to change and finding yourself actually pursuing change must be a daily search, which I call getting to the “observer mind.”

In this frontal cortex of the brain we find the anatomy of change and the power to counter every negative trigger of the human process. The workings of Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) are all positive actions to help the mind and body flow to a positive space for change.

Every aspect of FINDING AUTHENTIC YOU fulfills this constant need for diffusing the negative past and dreaming of a fulfilling future.

Step 1: Recognize That Change is Inevitable
Step 2: Release from Resistance to Change
Step 3: Understanding Change and Allow Spirit to Define It
Step 4: A History Lesson—About You
Step 5: Look at Your Past with Compassion
Step 6: Making a Strong Commitment to Change
Step 7: Dream Your Fabulous Future
Go to for Week One to Four Challenges:
Go to Storefront to buy any of the following or make a donation to Finding Authentic You:

·       My Latest Book: Finding Authentic You—7 Steps to Effective Change (800 page downloadable Kindle version)
·       Introduction to Meditation
·       Smoke Cessation mp3
·       Weight Loss mp3
·       Hypnotic Lap Band surgery Mp3
·       Insomnia mp3
·       Eternal Om mp3
·       Meditation Music mp3
·       Guide to Meditation mp3
·       Healing the Body mp3
·       And my “Lessons from the Heart” book ready for your download purchase.
Go to Home Page:

* * *

Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed.

I am trying to spread the word about my blog and I need your help. Please let your friends know it exists, if it gives you hope and blesses you each day.  I would be greatly pleased for you to share anything that you read by clicking the share button in, or add it to your Twitter at BoSebastian; or LinkedIN at; or find this blog home at Any of my books can be found on Amazon or Barnes and Nobel, just by typing my name in the search header.

Also, look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Without Expectation #Christmasday

Christmas Without Expectation #Christmasday

Can you imagine asking your young child who has been waiting 364 days for Santa to come down the chimney to deliver all his/her wants and desires to wait another day or two? Or worse yet, telling those same children Santa couldn’t come this year. The children’s hopes and dreams would be dashed. A great deal of precious zeal and joy come from the expectation of Christmas—even for adults.

This year, Allen and I decided not to buy each other anything for Christmas, because we wanted to save for our Caribbean vacation. I thought taking the pressure off of Christmas buying was a good idea. I’m the kind of person who likes to buy presents at odd times during the year when no one is expecting. I do that with cards and flowers as well. The only time I really go all out is on birthdays. Birthdays are all one person’s special day. It just makes sense to honor that day and make it special. Where Christmas seems to be more obligatory, rather than special any more. This is just my opinion, but I’m sure many others feel the same.

One year all of my friends who usually traded gifts decided to collect the money we would have spent and give it to a charity. To tell you the truth, Secret Santa wasn’t all that fun with nothing to trade. Yet, the thought was good.

In our family, because we have so many brothers, sisters, grandchildren and friends who celebrate with us, we have often decided to do Secret Santa, so that we could each get one big special gift. That, I have to admit, was a lot easier and wonder filled.

I have noticed in life that most of our deepest wounds come out during times of expectation: When we say “I love you,” what will our special ones say in return? When we do our best to make a gift for someone, will they smile and appreciate our intent, our will they fake joy? When we work hard for that promotion, and the person who has done much less for the company gets the honors, it never feels good. But how do we live life without expectation? Is it possible to instill in our children at a young age the getting on a special day isn’t a necessity?

When I was a kid, I was lucky to get one small gift; usually it was clothing to stay warm. We had little money and/or my dad just didn’t like spending his on Christmas. In fact, I remember him throwing twenty dollars at each of us about two weeks before Christmas day and saying, “Here, go buy yourselves something.” Yeah, Dad. Needless to say, he wasn’t my idea of Santa or a hero. Perhaps, that’s why I have a lack of interest in Christmas. If it wasn’t for my mother living with me, I probably would have never bought and put up a Christmas tree. These things never interested me. However, I have to say, that since I’ve began my own personal traditions during the holidays, things have been better. I even enjoy looking at the beautiful tree every year since I bought it.

Expectation is a part of life, probably the hardest part of life. I try to live my life without it, but even though I know it isn’t in my best interest to expect good from those who have hurt me in the past, I continue to look for the greatest in everyone. I feel people can change. But, to my dismay, most of them create the same attitudes like robots every year. If I were smart, I would stop anticipating good, but perhaps continue to hope for the best in all. Maybe the secret to not getting stymied by expectation is simply knowing this one secret about God: Spirit is always providing DIRECTION, not REJECTION!


New Challenge: Go to Week 9 of the “Year to CLEAR Challenge” at

Look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!

Below is information that I will be sharing for about a month, as not every person on my list reads the blog every day. If you have already read it, just skip over it. Thanks for understanding.

A Year to CLEAR Challenge:
(Please Know: You Can Join Us At Any Point in the Year Challenge.)

The masses search outward for things that qualify them as a person, but I always go inward for that which quantifies me for greatness. At twenty-five I preached on street corners in NYC as an in-the-closet Pentecostal minister. One day I heard a still small voice say, ‘God cannot be contained in a book or a law or even in a religion. Dig deeper, reach further to find me, and you will find your authentic Self.’”

A Year to CLEAR Challenge!

The acronym CLEAR stands for (Compassionate, Loving, Enthusiastic, And Relationship-Ready). The goal of this project is to engulf readers in a weekly study that will transform them by removing blocks, promote self-growth, and give them wings to fly freely into daily life. Each week, by going to and choosing the Year to CLEAR Challenge tab, a new challenge or thought to provoke conversation, growth, and group functionality.

My vision is to make Finding Authentic You the book to have in your Kindle or on your computer. The book is a comprehensive look at growth—spiritually, mentally, and physically.

As a yoga teacher and student of the Ayurvedic tradition, I bring to the table understanding of physical challenges, the ability to overcome mental problems with Life & Health Coaching, as well as hypnotherapy, and expertise in meditation and spirituality as a minister.

The combination of all three in one book with an interactive connection to like-minded readers, for one year, is what makes this Year to CLEAR Challenge a must-do for every spiritual seeker.

The One-Year Approach to Change

No one believes he or she can change overnight. But success in change comes from the metaphors of nature. Seasonally, life changes all around us in nature. Finding Authentic You offers a gradual change perspective, looking at the triune aspects of change as in yoga: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Accessing the ability to change and finding yourself actually pursuing change must be a daily search, which I call getting to the “observer mind.”

In this frontal cortex of the brain we find the anatomy of change and the power to counter every negative trigger of the human process. The workings of Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) are all positive actions to help the mind and body flow to a positive space for change.

Every aspect of FINDING AUTHENTIC YOU fulfills this constant need for diffusing the negative past and dreaming of a fulfilling future.

Step 1: Recognize That Change is Inevitable
Step 2: Release from Resistance to Change
Step 3: Understanding Change and Allow Spirit to Define It
Step 4: A History Lesson—About You
Step 5: Look at Your Past with Compassion
Step 6: Making a Strong Commitment to Change
Step 7: Dream Your Fabulous Future
Go to for Week One to Four Challenges:
Go to Storefront to buy any of the following or make a donation to Finding Authentic You:

·       My Latest Book: Finding Authentic You—7 Steps to Effective Change (800 page downloadable Kindle version)
·       Introduction to Meditation
·       Smoke Cessation mp3
·       Weight Loss mp3
·       Hypnotic Lap Band surgery Mp3
·       Insomnia mp3
·       Eternal Om mp3
·       Meditation Music mp3
·       Guide to Meditation mp3
·       Healing the Body mp3
·       And my “Lessons from the Heart” book ready for your download purchase.
Go to Home Page:

* * *

Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed.

I am trying to spread the word about my blog and I need your help. Please let your friends know it exists, if it gives you hope and blesses you each day.  I would be greatly pleased for you to share anything that you read by clicking the share button in, or add it to your Twitter at BoSebastian; or LinkedIN at; or find this blog home at Any of my books can be found on Amazon or Barnes and Nobel, just by typing my name in the search header.

Also, look for MY LATEST BOOK:  “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) on my Website in the Webstore. Thanks!