Saturday, December 22, 2012

Make a Clear Decision

Make a Clear Decision

            The tools to making a clear decision start with being able to separate all the deductive workings of your mind from the heartfelt push or rejection in your subconscious mind. Most people can’t usually make the separation of the two minds; therefore, making a clear decision is quite difficult.
            Most recently, I was faced with a very hard decision. The reasons in my head for going forward with the decision were tenfold, but my heart kept backing away from the move forward. I couldn’t convince myself that I was making the right decision; therefore, no decision was made.
            This is our usual course of action, until something forces us in one direction or the other. No one really wants to be forced into a decision. We would much rather feel the autonomy of finding that right choice on our own and having the strength to follow it through with vitality.
            So, what did I do to help myself get to the right decision?
            The first thing that I did was to call a friend who is a therapist. There is no better place to begin sorting out a mess in your head than with someone who is an expert at separating fact from fiction. If you have a mental health practitioner or lifecoach who knows you well, that’s even better, because they can call you on your usual “stuff.” My usual stuff is to circumvent the problem, be a codependent, try to help and nurture the situation, instead of doing what’s best for me.
            So, my friend kept asking me the question I needed to ask myself, “What is best move for you in this situation? What would make you feel at peace?”
            Finally, I had to answer that the best for me was to go forward with my decision.
            Listen, we don’t know where putting our foot to the gas pedal will take us. We just know that it will move us forward out of our slump and disparaging situation. When I chose to step forward into my decision, I said to myself, this doesn’t mean that God may have a completely different solution for me. If that is true, let me walk directly into it—or in this metaphor—drive into it.
            Life is full of ups and downs. We know that. We can’t face a day without knowing that we could be thrown a curve ball, but being able to make simple choices for ourselves and moving forward in them is an important part of life.
            Make a list of things that will move you forward in your problem situation. Make a list of things that will move you backward with your decision. 
            Then, and this is the most important part, get quiet and pray or meditate. Ask God and spirit to lead you to a peaceful decision, one that will give you grace, compassion, and not deny you of your most precious asset—self-love. Without self-love and self-esteem, we literally have no power in this world. We must believe we are made of the “stuff” of God. Because of that, we have what it takes to move mountains in our lives.
            You have the power to move any mountain you choose. I believe that for you, and I believe that for me. And so it is. 

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