Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Third Day of My Diet (On My Way to Losing 12 Pounds)

The Third Day of My Diet (On My Way to Losing 12 Pounds)

Every once in a while, I find myself weighing a few pounds more than I would like to be. After this holiday season, I can barely see my toes over my stomach. Well, I’m not that bad, but I like a little fun hyperbole. I have gained 12 pounds in a month, which is highly unusual for Mr. Bo. I had a lot to be eating for emotionally. So, I ate my way through the entire month. Now it’s time to get the weight off. It’s a new year and a new me.

On New Year’s Eve I had a couple close friends over for dinner. After which, we had a burning bowl celebration. If you’ve never had one, you simply light a fire. While the fire is stoking, you all individually write on a piece of paper things you would like to get rid of from the year before. Together you say a prayer and burn your pages in the fire. You watch all that yuck burn until it’s ash. Then you take to writing down the list of New Year’s desires.

I didn’t even bother putting on the list that I was going to lose 12 pounds, because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, I’ll have this off in two weeks. And here’s how I’ll do it.

In the morning I am going to eat steel cut oats with agave nectar and 2% milk. No coffee (caffeine makes you hungry).  For lunch, I’ll eat something sensible like a bowl of homemade chicken soup, or a green salad with tuna, or a half sandwich with ½ cup of unsweetened applesauce. (I’ll eat the applesauce if I’m still hungry after whatever I choose. Apples are good for digestion. I don’t eat the applesauce for lunch, I’ll save it for a snack.

For dinner, I’ll eat a small portion of meat or fish the size of my palm, a salad that is the size of a cereal bowl with olive oil/vinaigrette dressing, and usually I allow myself one simple carb for dinner such as a helping of potato or rice.

As far as a evening snack goes, I may eat a handful of sesame sticks about 7 pm or a small portion of low-fat popcorn with nutritional yeast on it (1 tablespoon for protein), or I may have a small container of low fat yogurt.

During each day I will do at least 45-50 minutes of aerobic or cardio yoga (my Boga Fitness DVD will work—Hey you can buy them at ) workout including exercises particularly targeting my stomach, including crunches, bicycle, and knee lifts.

If all this doesn’t start taking the weight off quickly, I will add one more thing that will help. Taking soluble fiber capsules like psyllium husks (Metamucil is a name brand capsule, but you can find them cheaper in generic form). Adding 3 soluble fiber capsules to your diet 15 minutes before you eat with a 1/2  glass of water makes you feel full before you eat. This, of course, reduces the risk of overeating.

I have found that, strictly for me, if I reduce my eating to normal portions and no extra sweets, as I did during the holidays, my body automatically returns to its leanest weight.

However, this doesn’t always work for everyone. In fact, most people eat correctly (especially women) and generally have to amp up their workout to one hour a day, six days a week to really see any kind of a change in their bodies.

My normal daily regimen requires me to stay fairly active, because I teach yoga and dance. So, I’m not likely to get really overweight. Nor am I likely to see my weight all over my body. The weight will probably stay right in my belly mostly, because I’m simply packing in too much food and the stomach is distended, even though during the entire month of December I did a lot of abdominal work. There is muscle under this fat. I’m counting on that fact.

We’ll see how it goes. Today, will be day three. As of yesterday, I had already lost 2.8 pounds.

And so it is. Keep up with me on Facebook or on my blog below.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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