Saturday, January 12, 2013

Does God Look Human?

Does God Look Human?

I certainly hope not. I would be completely disappointed if he/she/it did. I imagine God to have a head with four different faces, one in each direction: one of a lion, one of a man, one of an ox, and one of a lamb. I image the body of God to be made of pure white light but shrouded with robes of gems and stones and crystals around it, glowing with magnificence.

The truth is that none of us know what God looks like. If we see God, the bible says, we would be blinded because the visage is too bright for human eyes. But to tell you the truth, I believe many have experienced and seen God in spiritual ways. I know I have.

I remember one very clear image when I was meditating in New York City on a single bed in a four-story walk up some twenty-five years ago. The walls were uneven and painted an ugly shade of light blue. I was dirty poor, living on ramen noodles and chicken legs. My kitchen table was an ironing board with a table top on it that I found on the street. And I kept constant company with a myriad of mice and roaches.

I closed my eyes that warm day in summer and was pondering a scripture. I can’t even remember which. But it felt as though the walls were crumbling in front of me. The room shook as I was pinned to the bed. I saw a figure who appeared as Jesus walking toward me. The closer the image got, the more paralyzed my body became. Without a word, the figure walked right out from the wall and into my body.

From that moment I was taken to a beautiful heavenly place with angels and bright light. Celestial beings were all around. I could feel them, but I couldn’t see them. There was no speaking. Everything was communicated through telepathy. I spoke from my heart. “Please, God, don’t make me have to go back into the earth again. It is cold and heavy there. Here there is no pain and I feel light and at perfect peace.”

I heard a deep, rich and soothing voice speak to me. “But, my son, you have been called to be a Father to my people. Don’t you remember asking to go into the world?”

And in a moment, a memory brought me back to a place where I felt as if I was in the presence of many elders conferring about worlds and dominions. These elders were robed and I, too, was wearing a special cloak. In the vision I saw myself offering my spirit to go to the earth to help the spiritual movement.

In that moment, I felt the rush of my light and peaceful spirit collide with the pain-body of earth, and I jolted back to consciousness.

The memory of that experience, though it happened some twenty years ago has stayed with me as though it happened yesterday.

Some of my dearest friends and clients have also experienced moments like these. I would love to hear your stories of visions of God.

With the dawn of the bestseller “Proof of Heaven,” we all need to be telling our stories of heaven. Get on the bandwagon and share yours with me. I’ll post it if you like. Just let me know if you’re willing to share.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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