Monday, January 21, 2013

Love Is the Fulfillment of the Law

Love Is the Fulfillment of the Law

When we think about law, we think of that which creates a world of safety around us. Without laws we would be void of limiting behavior that could destroy and manipulate each other to the point of suffering and death. As a result of wanting to keep people from infringing on other’s proprietary belongings and needs, Moses, our first lawmaker, set out to create a divine set of rules to protect humans from inhumane behavior gone awry.

As life evolved and technology raced forward, laws also changed to accommodate the new and wonderful ways we could annihilate each other. Countries banned together to created collective laws and alliances to support each other in these large spectrum treaties that govern larger parts of the world.

But underneath all of the law is one presiding word: LOVE! If love were carried out in every aspect of its human challenge, there would be no need for any other law, but the law of love.

As in the Christian’s bible book of Corinthians, chapter 13, vs 1-16; the apostle Paul says that:
1.     Love is patient;
2.     love is kind;
3.     love is not jealous;
4.     love does not brag;
5.     love is not arrogant;
6.     love does not act unbecomingly;
7.     love does not seek its own;
8.     love does can not be provoked;
9.     love does not take into account a wrong suffered;
10. love does not rejoice in unrighteousness;
11. love rejoices with the truth; and
12. love bears all things.

If every unrighteous act were put under the laws of love in First Corinthians, there would be no need for the law as we see it today.

The trouble with ascribing law to love is that everyone has a different view of what love actually is. If you were born an orphan, cared by people who barely touched you, struggled for an education, then ended up with a terrible disease, you would have a very eschewed idea of what love is.

So, we set up judges who we vote into office to correct the imbalance of our negative and positive inputs in life and hope that the laws they create will compensate for what love lacked. But can we really trust these judges to have perfect compassion and respect all humanity in every situation? I think it’s an impossible scenario.

But, honestly, how could any judge or judgment other than God itself know perfect love? So, we are faced with the human treatment of love and its misfortunate laws that have protruded from it.

The one excellent thing we can gain from this concept today is that we have the power to make the choice of making love our greatest litmus test for live and law. If we place the power of love and compassion above and beyond all set of circumstances in our lives, we will never make the wrong choice.

I think of when Jesus was faced with choosing the law over love, He chose love every time. It didn’t matter how much the Pharisees and the Sadducees mocked him for his unrighteous decisions to neglect the law. He spoke with the greatest law of all: Above all these, without love, you have nothing!

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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