Monday, January 7, 2013

The Seventh Day of My Diet—A Big Surprising Blip

The Seventh Day of My Diet-A Big Surprising Blip

Normally, I’m of the ilk that diets tend to get harder as they go along. For me, the cravings for sugar are going away. I definitely am not so tempted to overeat on this seventh day. This is a good thing.

For breakfast, I had my old staple, steel cut oatmeal with agave nectar. For lunch after church at Nashville Center of Spiritual Living, I went to Red Robin with mi madre and shared a Cobb salad. Mom doesn’t like avocado or black olives, so I was the lucky recipient of all the avocado and olives, which made me a happy, and albeit, satisfied eater.

When I got home I helped a friend with his website for two hours to give myself some time for my food to digest. Then I worked out for a short while, focusing mainly on my abdominal area, which is looking pretty good already. I actually had to tighten my belt one more notch today.

I knew inside that I could do this, but I actually never had to lose weight before, especially in front of thousands of readers. So, this is giving me a lot of motivation to stick with it. I have often told clients that a prime way of sticking to a commitment is to get other people in your life involved—especially good, healthy friends and family—people you know will edify you. But then, there is some efficacy to having those people who will judge you if you fail on the fringe, as well. This keeps you on your toes.

I seriously don’t know if I would be as tedious with my diet and exercise if I hadn’t started posting my progress every day. This was very good motivation. I want to succeed now. When I feel as if I’m not going to or that an invasive “sugar” or “fat” thought comes in, I simply think of the consequence. People are reading!

Indeed, either way—a bad effect or a good effect, my readers and my clients would learn a great lesson with me. Still, I think I’m the kind of person who enjoys a challenge. But more importantly, I’m the person who would rather win the race.

So, for dinner, Mom made a big pot of homemade chicken soup. I ate exactly one bowl. I ate one banana for dessert.

For a snack this evening, I ate one handful of sesame sticks and ½ bag of non-fat popcorn. That’s it, folks! I’ll let you know tomorrow how I faired.

HERE’S THE BLIP: I woke up this morning and weighed. To my grand dismay, I had actually gained a pound. How could that be? I got off of the machine and let it reset. Got back on the scale. There it was again like a bad hangover. Come on! That can’t be right. But there it was.

Now I know exact how my clients feel when they tell me that they have been doing everything correctly and still they gain. Well, I’ll tell you, if you reread my text from above, there is one thing I did not do. I didn’t have 45-50 minutes of aerobics yesterday. So, I may have done everything right, but I had not used the energy that I took into my body. That is not considered a good day. I was all happy about my food intake, but I didn’t do what I needed to do to lose weight. That is to use the caloric energy that I have taken into my body, no matter how little that was. Otherwise, that weight is going to show up as a weight gain.

I had to take my car into get a check-up this morning. As soon as I sat in the waiting room, the first thing I heard on the television’s news station was: “Do Americans really know how many bad effects being overweight can have on their lives?”

Some of the items that this documentary spoke about was heart problems, diabetes, kidney and liver problems, leg swelling, high blood pressure, joint problems, sleep apnea and sleep disorders, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and I think most important, psycho-social effects and disorders.

With this in mind, we all definitely need to think about what we put in our mouths, no matter where we are with our healthy look at our weight.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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