Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Sixth Day of My Diet - A loss of 6.2 pounds

The Sixth Day of My Diet

I started off the day with a very brisk dog walk and a healthy bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with agave nectar and 2% milk. I’m thinking that some things are meant to stay steady and consistent. Breakfast is one of those for me. I taught vocal lessons and had some hypnotherapy clients today, so I was mostly sedentary. Before lunch I decided to work on my Ab-Rocket for a few minutes of killer abdominal work. (It’s good to do workouts before you eat, not after.) I also think that if you have a particular area that is the problem with weight, you definitely should work on that area, as I am working on my abs. I am working the sides, bottom and top of the abdominals with different exercises.

For lunch I ate my typical two poached eggs, two small pieces of toasted whole grain bread and no applesauce. I decided, less food was better today. Here is the thing about less food. Every day you eat less, your stomach shrinks a little. So, every day you have the opportunity to stop earlier in your eating. The process takes some time, so you have to be patient with yourself. You don’t want to feel like you’re starving, so do the cutting away a small chunk at a time.

I didn’t have any choice about dinner, because someone else was cooking, so I ended up eating a hamburger on a bun, mac and cheese (a very small portion) and a small green salad with vinaigrette dressing. My dinner disappointed me. I think it will probably put me over the top for the day. But, here’s the thing. I ate until I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t over eat, even though I ate a poor choice for a diet. That is to be congratulated.

You have those days when you just can’t help what you eat. I could have had no bun and less mac and cheese, but I just wouldn’t have been sated. So, I ate until I was full and no more. The only thing I ate in the evening was one cup of vanilla ice milk from (don’t hate me gay people) Chik Fil A. It was the only place that had a small portion of something tasty but diet-like. I’ll give more to HRC this week in repentance.

In the early evening I walked the Cool Spring Mall twice, but not too vigorously. I walked up and down some steps, which felt tiring, but that was all I could get in for aerobics today. It was too cold outside to do anything in 29 degree weather.

I feel very full and it is almost 10 p.m. so I guess I ate too much. You almost know these things before you even weigh in. So, if I had to guess what tomorrow’s weight is going to be, I’d think that it is going to be about even or a couple ounces higher. (I’m writing this the next morning. I guess I was wrong… Not good to be guessing what you don’t know.)

I tried going to sleep without my normal sleep meds, which is a small dose of clonozapam. I also take Tramadol for chronic arthritis. This night I decided to try to sleep without both. I’m not sure why. After, I did my normal relaxing yoga exercises with my round cylinder to help loosen my back and IT band so I can get up and walk normally in the morning. (Trust me, I have tried everything to NOT take meds, but sometimes life hands you that prescription, and you have to take it to live a normal life. Just be glad a medication works that helps you. I am.)

I had a very restless night of sleep. I was up about five times. I don’t know how that contributes to weight loss, but I ended up losing another 1.2 pounds yesterday.

So the weigh in is:  A loss of 6.2 pounds in six days.  I’d say I’m on track. I think I’ve already lost one pants’ size. I can look in the mirror and see a major difference in my stomach, where I put most of the weight on.

Onward and upward… errr.. downward, I guess.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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