Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dillards One-Day Trim-A-Tree Sale—Lord Hear Our Prayer!

Dillards One-Day Trim-A-Tree Sale—Lord Hear Our Prayer!

One thing I do after Christmas every year is buy something on sale for the tree the next year. The idea is that I can continue to make the decorations more beautiful and stunning, but not have to spend a considerable amount of money doing so. Also, when I open the boxes of new ornaments the next year, I’m always surprised to see what I bought and blend them into the amalgam of ornamental gold, red, silver, and black fuss I now call my Christmas Tree.

So, a dear friend heard I was at Dillards yesterday and that they hadn’t put their Christmas items on sale yet. When she read the newspaper today, she discovered that the day everything was going on sale was NOW. So, she called me. I immediately hopped the red-eye to the nearest Dillards. This was at 2 pm and I had already finished my taxes for the year. (It’s January 1st and, yes, I’m Johnny on the Spot.)

As big as that parking lot is at Dillards, I spent almost 30 minutes trying to find a parking space. At that moment, I thought, is it even worth it to go in? Everything is probably gone. But, I persevered until someone left a space open. I ventured into the cyclone-ravaged store we will now refer to as Dillastrous.

Oh my God! I have never seen so many people picking and plundering ornaments and fixtures. The lines were 5-10 people long. The sales people were anxious and bitter. And there just wasn’t any fun in getting the three things I happened to salvage from a box a lady was returning. I mean beating people up to get a sale just isn’t what it used to be.

My dearest friends and family buy me gift cards because they know that one of my favorite things to do is find an incredible sale. But, I’ll tell you now, that the sales I enjoy the most, are the ones I find when no one else is looking. When I wake up early on a Monday morning, my day off, and get to the mall when the prices are just being slashed, and no one has been told. It’s not a big sale. It’s a few items that are getting marked way down to go quickly. That’s my idea of a find.

This standing in line with 3000 people up your ass trying to get the same ornament you are is for the birds. I am swearing off the after-Christmas rush forever. Remind me of this next year — Pahlease.

And so it is.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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