Saturday, May 3, 2014

Too Busy, Too Loud, Too Bright #sensorydefensive #sensoryoverload

Too Busy, Too Loud, Too Bright
#sensorydefensive #sensoryoverload

An old friend of twenty-two years came to visit this weekend. We met out for a drink at a local video bar. The music was loud, the people wore too much cologne, and the local watering hole was crowded. For someone like me, a sensory defensive man, in a situation such as this, I go on overload in about an hour. Most days, if I just get accosted with a pungent perfume or have to push through a crowd, I’m done for the day. Honestly, one hour at this bar wore me out. I came home and wanted to just crash, with all the lights out and no sound or stimuli.

Sensory Defensiveness is an actual disease that I see very often in my client base go undiagnosed. People who have SD tend to feel like outcasts because they feel different than the rest of the people around them. If you don’t know you have it, you tend to self-medicate. So, many of my addictive-based clients end up having SD. Once they discover that their brain is simply firing too quickly, the issue can be treated without addictive behavior. But, if you don’t know that you or your child have this disorder, you can end up with a very troubled human being.

I had a partner once, who treated me very nicely. We dated for two years, but he ended the relationship because I didn’t enjoyed antiquing, and it was his passion. I wasn’t much into it, but I tried. Interestingly enough, I would get very tired and exhausted after about an hour in an antique store. I would often have to sit down while he browsed. After being diagnosed, I realized that I was simply allergic to the dust and moldy smells of the antique stores, which sent me into sensory overload. When this happens, your body just completely shuts down, mostly to protect you. So, despite my attempt at appeasing this kind person, I failed miserably.

I have always been a sensitive man, even as a child. I hung out with the adults because I didn’t like to get dirty. I stayed in my bedroom and played the piano because it felt safe there. I simply didn’t want to get accosted by people and things that were unfamiliar or harsh to my mind and body. Much of my life, I thought I just didn’t fit it and considered myself some kind of misfit. Of course, I overcompensated, and tried to be just the opposite. But, most times, I would end up on the couch alone at a party, because I just couldn’t stand to be around a lot of people for too long.

A sensory defensive person can feel sensitive to light, to sound, to taste, to smells, and to touch. I remember the first time I was picked for a team for football. The first time someone ran into me and knocked me down, I didn’t think I could get up. I don’t just feel a touch. I sense it in every part of my body.

On the good side of the diagnosis, sensory defensive people make great and passionate lovers because we are so sensitive. But when it comes to being real and honest with us, our hearts are just as sensitive. In my book, Finding Authentic You, I have many discoveries about how to deal with sensory defensiveness.

Finding Authentic You is a self-help guide with 365 Discoveries, meant to aid you in facilitating some of life’s most difficult challenges, like sleep. But, the discoveries also lead you to what you believe spiritually, understanding your goals, learning to believe in your self, discovering the most distinct you, unlocking all of your negative thinking, and helping you replace it with positive, creative thought using many different modalities, including hypnosis, prayer, and psychology. Once you know yourself, then relationship with Spirit and people is a fairly easy task.

Listen, I really need your help to buy my new book (below) and share it with friends. No project in this world launches without a community of people who value its importance. This is why I have made it $2.99 for the download version.

For much more information about finding out about the psychology of the human mind and being your authentic self, self-love, and self-esteem, check out my new book below. “Finding Authentic You” will answer many of the questions I propose above. The book also has many discoveries about health, both mental and physical, as well as spiritual discoveries to lead you to your highest and best! Thanks for being a part of my tribe and helping me make this book be a Bestseller.

Finding Authentic You: With
365 Daily Discoveries & 7 Steps to Effective Change

* Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed. Please spread the word by liking the page or sharing this with your friends. 

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