Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Do You See with Your Mind or Your Heart? #idols #spiritualeye #relationshipadvice

Do You See with Your Mind or Your Heart?
#idols #spiritualeye #relationshipadvice

I have always been a person who thought he perceived with his heart, then with his eyes. But, I have realized that even when my intention is to give every person I meet a chance, I can fall prey to the unworthy countenance of my own judgment from looks alone.

I’ve had the great fortune lately of “seeing” someone who is not only beautiful inside, but is very handsome too. I have dated good-looking men before, but not the type that look as if they came out of a Men’s Fitness Magazine. I thought it would be an interesting experiment to see if an amazing description of a compassionate person would supersede a smoldering picture of him. From the comments and personal messages on Facebook, clearly, most people thought someone this handsome could not be real. Other friends were happy about my new “friendship,” but tentative and untrusting. I had to ask myself the question, why?
The truth is: We are all a little weary of guys and gals who are model types. We feel that they must be a bit shallow, simply because they spend so much time working on their muscles at the gym. Personally, I have felt much the same way about entering into a relationship with a very handsome, well-built man, especially, since I have done so and have been hurt by narcissism. But, from the perception of the person who has been looked at like a piece of meat, he or she usually ends up with someone who is real, compassionate, and loving, and probably not at all that interested in the fantasy of what their perspective date looks like.

I have a very good friend who is drop dead gorgeous. I have never seen him date anyone handsome. He dates geeky, skinny men and never men who approach him, first. He has always looked for the guy who would never believe someone as handsome as he would be attracted to him. Perhaps, there is a good reason for that decision. He probably, in the past, has had men drooling over him and didn’t see him as a human with emotional needs. Often, men in bars and on the street look at him as a body, not a human. And, from the beautiful person’s perspective, life isn’t very rewarding; when they have to prove their self-worth to everyone they meet.

I have met a bunch of movie- and TV stars in my day. The ones who have been nice have been the ones who recognized I didn’t give a hoot that they were famous. If we look at people with our hearts, we are bound to get a different, spiritual perception of them, than if we look with our human eyes. Eyes can deceive, very easily. This truth goes as far back as the days of Jesus. In Matthew 6 we hear: “The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”

We can see in this scripture because the word eye is not plural that Matthew speaks about our spiritual eye, not our visual eyes. In many other scriptures we can see that our spiritual growth happens when we look beyond the confines of our human eyes to a spiritual world, far greater, much more mystical, and hidden from those who never seek to look with the eye of his/her spirit.

So, how many friends do you have who are not of the same ilk as you? I remember a gentleman came up to me about ten years ago and said—about the people who sat in my pew at church with me, “Oh, you sit with the pretty people!” Immediately, I understood that he thought I wouldn’t or couldn’t be his friend because he wasn’t of the same ilk as I, which was so not the case.

After that, at church, and in life, I have made a concerted effort to invite all different types of people into my life. All different types of people have something special to offer to our lives, if we let them in.

I am moving to Southern Florida to begin a new small imprint publishing company called: Finding Authentic You Publishing: findingauthenticyoupublishing.com. I am accepting submissions now for my January 2015 bookshelf. If you or any friends are interested, please go to the website and read the submission guidelines. Thanks.
Finding Authentic You is my brand and is also a self-help guide, which I wrote, with 365 Discoveries, meant to aid you in facilitating some of life’s most difficult challenges, like sleep. But, the discoveries also lead you to what you believe spiritually, understanding your goals, learning to believe in your self, discovering the most distinct you, unlocking all of your negative thinking, and helping you replace it with positive, creative thought using many different modalities, including hypnosis, prayer, and psychology. Once you know yourself, then relationship with Spirit and people is a fairly easy task.
For much more information about finding out about the psychology of the human mind and being your authentic self, self-love, and self-esteem, check out my new book below. “Finding Authentic You” will answer many of the questions I propose above. The book also has many discoveries about health, both mental and physical, as well as spiritual discoveries to lead you to your highest and best! Thanks for being a part of my tribe and helping me make this book be a Bestseller.

Finding Authentic You: With 365 Daily Discoveries & 7 Steps to Effective Change

* Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or http://bosebastian.com/Home_Page.php Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed. Please spread the word by liking the page or sharing this with your friends.

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