Saturday, July 13, 2013

Your Restrictive Circuitry

Your Restrictive Circuitry

I have knee-jerk reactions to life that don’t correspond with the way I believe. For instance, I know that there is Unlimited Source of Good for me always. But when my roof was blown off by the fierce wind, I had a $5000 car bill, my plumbing went out, I had to replace two appliances, and had to pay $1500 worth of taxes I didn’t know I owed, all in the same month, my level of belief diminished. I didn’t want it to decrease, but fear surfaced as my mental circuitry couldn’t handle the idea that my bank account and God’s bank account were one.

The premise that we are humans living in a human body with the circuitry of a human is important for one reason only: So, that we can understand the limitations of our own physical self as we become empowered spiritually. If you can begin to understand that you are an individuated spirit simply “housed” in a human body, instead of the latter mentality, you can begin to gain strength and power over your own human circuitry.

The goal of every spiritual being should be to train the mind to understand and embrace the triune being: Body, Mind and Spirit.

We can scientifically and psychologically coordinate the individual states of mind with the different parts of the brain that govern the three varieties of thought: a.) the body’s voice is the fight or flight mode of thinking; generally, we consider this mode to be the reptilian brain or lowest on the totem pole of spiritual-mind practice; b.) the deductive part of the mind, sometimes considered to be the amygdala part of the brain is where we rationalize and take what is already known for fact and parse out the future and, also, play with past; and c.) lastly, the part of the brain which is, in my estimation, our spiritual conduit—the frontal cortex of the brain—is where we imagine, create, and see pictures in our mind; it is where we are directly connected to God Source.

For each individual to understand her/himself, you must get in touch with each of these aspects of the mind. Yoga, which basically means the yoking of the mind, body and spirit, is the perfect breeding ground for experientially finding those three attributes of yourself that connect you as one to complete your total authentic being.

If all you are is spiritual, and you have no grounding to your body and to the earth, essentially, you really are not living out the human experience as God intended. Reach deeper to discover the entirety of life to find that you are powerful yet vulnerable, smart yet silly, wired to health even though you may experience some pain and incapacitation at times.

When we live in the present moment, in the now, we discover this full range of life—just as it is—perfectly presenting itself in the exact moment we need it, experiencing it, and learning from it. To the spiritually open mind, this belief brings you a tremendous amount of joy and peace.

I feel as if I am a living example of finding a balance in the body, mind, and spirit. I have traveled down many paths to find a place of serenity and peace in my own mind. This could be likened to traveling the world to find the Holy Grail, when it was inside all the time.

Our powers and our strengths are in recognizing the limitations of our human circuitry. This actually empowers the spirit to be stronger, wiser, and become more of a conduit for God, as we realize that without the connection to spirit we embrace only a miniscule amount of the power we could have as an individual human cut off from the whole.

Find your peace in take your individual “piece” of the human puzzle and place it in the only empty space that you fit into in this universe. There—and only there—will you find your authentic self.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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