Friday, April 19, 2013

Where Are You Supposed to Be Right Now?

Where Are You Supposed to Be Right Now?

Yesterday I had some time off in the afternoon. I had no plans. So, I prayed about what I should do with that time. I received an unction that I was supposed to visit a friend and her mother who had only a few days left to live. So, after acupuncture, I went directly to Galatin to visit my friend.

Two days before I spoke with my friend, she told me that her mother only had a few days to live and that Hospice was caring for her at my friend’s home. I asked her what her mother was dying from. Interestingly enough, my friend never thought to ask the doctor.

So, yesterday after I got there, she told me that her mother’s brain was dying as part of the Dementia diagnosis two years ago. The part of her brain that knows how to dress, remembers the present, and even knows how to eat and swallow had deteriorated so much so that her mother couldn’t eat on her own or speak. The past few days her mother had been almost completely unresponsive.

When I got to my friend’s front door, I rang the bell and knocked a couple times. No one answered. But the front door was open. I could see a hospital bed in the front room. Her mother was asleep. I checked to see if the door was open. It was. Then I knocked again, more gently this time. Her mother awoke. She looked directly at me and waved at me, then gestured for me to come in.

When I got to the bed, she stared at me with an untypical stare. We tend to have boundaries in every day life while we look at people. We don’t gaze into a person’s eyes like a baby would. She smiled and closed her eyes and fell back to sleep, as if what she just experienced was a dream.

I went to the back door to see where my friend was. She was digging in the back garden. When she returned to the house, she introduced her mother to me. Her mother, again, gazed directly at me unceasingly—so much so that my friend said, “Yes, Mom, a lot of people stare at Bo, because he has such a bright personality,” obviously trying to make light of the situation.

But, I, on the other hand, just let her gaze right into my heart. I stared right back into hers. I wanted to hear what she had to say that she couldn’t speak. Again that warm smile covered her face like innocence.

I felt a divine connection happen in that moment. I discovered that the rest of the day and into the night she would communicate with me in my dreams. She wanted to let go of her body but didn’t know how is what she communicated to me in my dream last night.

So, I woke up this morning and prayed specifically for the information to be given to her and asked God if there was anything I could do to help her on her spiritual journey home.

You see, I feel as if this was one of those divine appointments I had been waiting for. I ask to be used by Spirit every day. I’m sure that I am in small and large ways even without me knowing. But this was one of those awesome moments that God was so specific about. Someone had to cancel a session for me to be available in that moment. I knew it was of supreme importance that I go to my friend’s house that afternoon.

These are the moments in life we need to pray for—be present for. God can only use us if we ask to be a conduit for Spirit’s use.

I know this blog may not be for everyone, today. But I know there are some people out there who want to understand their destiny on this earth. I feel this may help.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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