Sunday, April 14, 2013

Start a Chain Reaction of Good

Start a Chain Reaction of Good

“Pay it forward” became a phrase people began to use after a movie about the act of one good deed changing a series of people’s lives for the better. A simple act of kindness or doing what your heart tells you to do—instead of your ego mind—can, in fact, often lead to a place of a magical chain reaction of events where love becomes the catalyst for great change not only for you, but for the world.

How clear are you on your place in the world of doing good? Do you start off every day, waking up and thinking: I just need to get going, get to work, make money, and pay my bills? Or do you ask Spirit to lead you to the best path for the ultimate good of the world? The latter is certainly a harder choice. But if you choose divine purpose, your life will have more meaning than you ever thought it could?

About five years ago I read a Buddhist story about prayer. An explanation of selflessness was disclosed in the magic of doing what the world needed as opposed to fulfilling our own worldly desires. I realized then, that I had to make a choice daily to overcome my ego mind and seek to uncover, perhaps, sometimes a bitter pill to swallow to create the magic that is often called good.

As a result, I made a prayer altar in my room. I placed on it a large quartz crystal, a couple Christian relics, a Ganesh, a few holy objects that people have given me over the years, some of whom had passed away. I also placed a candle in the center. Every morning I stand or kneel before the altar and ask God to fill my heart with great purpose. I ask that I could put aside my own needs for the needs of the world.

Sometimes I fulfill my destiny and the will of the greater purpose. Sometimes I choose my own happiness instead. I’m not always successful, but I must say that in the past five years, almost every day I have said that prayer and intended to do my best. As a result, I stay in a place where I realize that I am in a world where Spirit has weaved a magical web of stories and lives that will ultimately end in Divine Destiny, probably even if I am not the one choosing good.

One of the ways I know that I am in God’s will is synchronicity. When I find myself in the midst of purposeful events that occur in ways that speak volumes to divine intention, I know I am on the path that is my destiny.

Today, I had one of those days. I went to church as I normally do with my mother. The preacher spoke of creating love in our lives. In his sermon he made reference to the book, “The Velveteen Rabbit.” It just so happened one of the singers in the special music this morning was a man I used to date. On my birthday he gave me a copy of the “Velveteen Rabbit.” I thought, what are the chances of something like this happening? He gave me the book six or seven years ago. And yet, God had intended to create this perfect moment for me today to realize that I was not lost in sea of madness, but was in His perfect will.

I have a deal with God that, if I give my heart and life for the will of the universe, that God will take care of my needs according to the riches in heaven and ultimately on earth. When I loose track of my spiritual goals, I always come back to this promise.

The past few months have been incredibly difficult financially. It seemed that everything that could possibly break or malfunction happened all at once, to the tune of twenty-one thousand dollars worth of bills.

In times past, I would have bit my lip and worried myself to death about how I would deal with all of the bills. But as of this week, the only means of dealing with my finances that I had to do was charge Peter to pay Paul. But in the end, bills were all paid and nothing was owed to any bank or person. I would say that this is a miracle working in my life to show me the wealth of good always giving to provide for my life and my mother’s.

Every day, part of passing the torch of good is actually writing this blog. I try to help people see Spirit’s work in my life and those who are close to me, so that you can also believe and trust in the power of Good in your own life.

I pray now that whomever God has reading this blog has read it by divine intervention. So, if this blog is something that has crossed your path today, close your eyes right now and know that God has you in His gentle hands and is tending to your every need according to His riches in Glory.

And so be it!

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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