Sunday, April 7, 2013

Making Sense of XXX's

Making Sense of XXX’s

I had a great conversation with a friend. We were discussing the ups and downs of life and how all of our exes had played such a big part and making us the deeper, richer, saner person that we had become. So, today, I guess I have to say thank you to those people who have crashed and burned, loved and lied, and cared, then let go. It hurt, it ached, it cut deep, but it certainly reshaped the individual who is now Me!

When you think about it, not much in life that happens negatively, doesn’t somehow turn out to teach you a positive lesson. So, what exactly are we afraid of?

This morning I went to a church where I used to be the music minister. Many old friends were there, but mostly new folks had taken the pews of those I used to see sitting gazing up at me for inspiration and leadership. Being there gave a real sense of the newness in my life, because it was impossible to not compare who I was then with whom I have become.

The last few months had been a challenge financially. For some strange reason everything physical in my life has had wear and tear, breakage, and, of course, the roof blew off. All totaled, the damage was about 21,000 in the past three months.

The sermon this morning happened to be on prosperity. The preacher talked about Peter needing tax money and the message God gave him, “go to the sea and cast your hook. You will find a fish with a coin in its mouth. Pay to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”

I began to think about the last few months and the difference in my attitude about prosperity before these months and after. To tell you the truth, I almost never think about God providing for me. I learned lessons from a long time ago when I lived I NYC from hand to mouth about how God always takes care of His children. I have never had a time in my life when I didn’t have what I needed to make it through, food, a dwelling, a car, and the support of wonderful people and teachers in my life. Sometimes the money wasn’t there, but provisionally I had always been covered.

So, I asked myself what is the difference RIGHT NOW about my attitude toward money compared to December, when nothing was amiss? I realized that I had begun to feel some fear about provision. So, when the minister asked if anyone needed prayer, I grabbed my mom’s hand and took the microphone. I explained about my fear and the recent financial challenges.

The prayer she spoke was spot on about feeling covered and protected from all that seeks to challenge the fact that God and Spirit are completely and unequivocally limitless in supply. I believe this sincerely. I don’t want to ever to feel that I’m alone, walking on a road that leads to nowhere with no clothes on my back and no provisions for the future.

Wealth comes in many ways. Sometimes we don’t realize the provisions God makes for us until after they have been taken care of. When the wind came gushing through my carport and swept away the roof, I didn’t imagine that God wanted to bless me. I felt fear and old feelings rooted from my childhood about now being protected from the elements and deeper yet, from life.

But just two weeks later, I see that an old roof on my house, which would probably have cost me 8000 dollars in two years was now being replaced by the insurance. The carport, which was leaking and old, had been rebuilt. Now there are no more roof leaks. Things that broke in the garden and in the storage room are paying for the extra loss and the deductible. Nothing really has been taken. I actually have been given a grand blessing.

Some people are born to riches, some work hard and become rich and famous, others get caught in a chance windfall of wealth, like the lottery. But one thing is for sure is that wealth is a state of mind. If a person is poor when he/she wins the lottery, that person will probably quickly spend the money and end up poor again. But people who have been nurtured from day one in the idea that they will always be provided for, have a different mindset about provisional wealth. They expect it. They may make a bad investment and be financially poor for a short while, but generally they bounce back. This is not because they are lucky or are particularly more savvy with their money. It is because they have a belief that prosperity is their birthright.

Let’s start believing in the idea that we are God’s children. The richest, wealthiest and limitless in supply Spirit in the universe is our Parent! We are made of the very substance that is God. We are creators, made in the image of God. Therefore, how can we not be completely clothed in glory and with robes of gold?

Look around you, discover where you are not believing in the wealth and supply of God. It may be in the way you reject the leading of Spirit. It may be in the way you walk through life blinded by what you need, instead of really experiencing what you have. It may simply be not being grateful for all the good in your life.

Today, at some point, stop to think about your life and all the ways God has provided for you. Also, then look at the ways you have been blocking God from blessing you. See if you can let go and let God lead you to the perfect and right place—mind and body—to change your mind and financial experience completely.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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