Saturday, June 7, 2014

Is Prosperity Rightfully Yours? #prosperity #prosperousthinking #povertythinking

Is Prosperity Rightfully Yours?
#prosperity #prosperousthinking #povertythinking

When one part of your life is coming to an end, and the next part has not begun yet, money seems to stop flowing as freely as it had in the past. When you’re waiting on a new job, a new business to manifest, or something like promised money to actually be deposited into your bank account. Does this mean that you’re not living in prosperity, because you can’t see the money yet? Does this mean that what is right and good for you and your life isn’t already yours in spirit? Or are you just waiting to manifest in your physical life what has already been decided in spirit? 

Many spiritual teachings believe that all times of struggle are simply a manifestation of your own fears expressing in your life, like a computer program functioning exactly as expect. I’m not so sure I believe in this concept completely. I buy into some of the ideas of “what you have in mind, will manifest in kind.” The only part I need to discern is “when” will it manifest! I’m sure there are many spiritual believers out there saying Amen to me right now. 

For instance, my home has been on the market for 10 days. I have not gotten an offer—yet. My prayer has been that the right and perfect buyer would make a great offer on my home. I, also, know that divine timing is involved with moving; booking the movers, attaining a great apartment and securing it for my move-in date. But none of this is written in stone until an offer is made. In fact, paying for the move and the apartment—all total with the movers is 12,000K—is rightly contingent upon the money I make from my home. 

So, you can see that faith, and only faith, is all I can sit with right now. When I begin to think of any other possibility, such as no right buyer, having to stay in my current home for another month, being in transition for more time than expected, everything in my mind gets distorted. I begin to feel anxiety. And I am no better off than if I had spent the entire day in bed sleeping. 

Prosperity thinking starts off with a standard of living that you believe you deserve as a part of your spiritual birthright, as a child of the Most High. You were made and created in the image of God. You are a creator as God is a creator. You are a descendant and an heir to all that surrounds you. What keeps you from your prosperous outcome? 

The only answer to the manifestation problem in prosperous prayer is that God’s timing is simply different than ours. Also, I believe Spirit’s idea of prosperity has little to do with a Mercedes Benz and a beachfront home. I believe these things are possible to attain, but not without a cost to your spirit. 

First, and foremost, we must be on the path to the right and perfect reason we are here on this earth. When we discover that path and move toward it, all things will be given that we need to accomplish the highest will of Good in our lives. This must be like swimming with the current, easy and free flowing. I’d imagine this is similar to the Jews in the desert getting blessed with manna every morning. God gave the Jews a destiny then simply provided food enough for them to make it on the path toward their goal to the promised land. 

Was this considered prosperity to the Jews? I’d imagine that most of the Jews felt that living in the desert with the same meal every morning was a very difficult life, especially if you were one of the older Jews who had ended up circling the land and probably would never end up seeing the destiny. Some would say that the elder’s faith waned, so they didn’t deserve to see the promise land. Others would say that the elder’s destiny was to learn a lesson of perseverance. I believe everything works together for the good who are called according to the purpose of God, whether it’s in this life or the next.

So, if you want to be prosperous, you must first look inside and align your life with your spiritual purpose. If your relationships, your things, and your job are getting in the way of your purpose, then you will probably never see real prosperity and peace at the same time. However, if you move toward your spiritual destiny, in alignment with Spirit, creating a blueprint for success in your mind, then all should come forth in God’s perfect timing. That’s my belief. This is what I have banked on in the past and have never been disappointed. Even now, waiting for the right buyer, though tenuous at times, I must believe that God has all of this perfectly worked out in Spirit.

Check out my new book: (promo video: ) Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior, FREE STARTING TOMORROW on Amazon Kindle at: .

I am moving to Southern Florida to begin a new small imprint publishing company called: Finding Authentic You Publishing: I am accepting submissions now for my January 2015 bookshelf. If you or any friends are interested, please go to the website and read the submission guidelines. Thanks.

Finding Authentic You is my brand and is also a self-help guide, which I wrote, with 365 Discoveries, meant to aid you in facilitating some of life’s most difficult challenges, like sleep. But, the discoveries also lead you to what you believe spiritually, understanding your goals, learning to believe in your self, discovering the most distinct you, unlocking all of your negative thinking, and helping you replace it with positive, creative thought using many different modalities, including hypnosis, prayer, and psychology. Once you know yourself, then relationship with Spirit and people is a fairly easy task.

Finding Authentic You: With 365 Daily Discoveries & 7 Steps to Effective Change
* Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-445-8861 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed. Please spread the word by liking the page or sharing this with your friends. 

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