Saturday, November 24, 2012

Windows of My Soul

Windows of My Soul

In the morning when I get up, one of the first things I do is open the blinds to let the sun in. The morning glow of the sun brightens my day and wakes up my soul. The sun reminds me that a new day begins now and a new chance to make a difference in the world starts when I do.

Did you know that your soul also has a window?

Let’s define the soul here as the ephemeral heart of human body. When our heart is open, it lets in a myriad of energies around it in. Your heart can draw in peace from a lovely garden, tension from work, romance from a loving spouse, or the opposite—friction from an unloving relationship.

So, whether or not we open the blinds to our heart often depends on what’s around us. I mean, we don’t want to let the drug-induced rage-filled neighbor into our heart before our day gets started. That would be the worst decision ever. Then we would be bogged down with their energy and never get a real start with our own God-centered energy.

What we have to learn to do is open and close the blinds of our hearts in situations that protect us from harm. The metaphor is similar to someone knocking at your door. You don’t let everyone who knocks at your door into your house.

You sometimes look through the peephole and pretend you’re not even home. Other times, you open the door and simply say, “I’m not interested.” Then, of course, there are times when you are not sure if the little girl from down the street selling Girl Scout Cookies is worthy of coming too far in because the farther she comes into the foyer the more you may get bilked into buying a dozen boxes of Savannah Smiles.

But the worst case scenario is the annoying mother or friend or sister who shows up unannounced and barges in without an invitation….

(To Read the rest of this Blog, please click on the link below. Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and LifeCoach, available for private sessions to Quit Smoking, Lose Weight with the new Lap Band-Hypnosis, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334. )

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