Saturday, November 17, 2012

Have You Caught a Social Mind Virus?

Have You Caught a Social Mind Virus?

Carl Jung talked of a mind that supersedes our own human mind. He called it the collective consciousness. Sometimes the collective mind can draw us into greatness—such as when we are all trying to help out after the flooding and storm damage in the northeast. Sometimes this consciousness can be damaging as when 9-11 happened and everyone was scared that they would lose their money in the stock market. Fear overrode sensibility. The stock market almost crashed.

The unfortunate case of social mind virus is that usually we are more like sheep blindly being led to slaughter than we are way-showers trying to possess the power that transforms and changes the world.

I’d like to propose a toast. “Here’s to those people like Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Jesus, who boldly stepped forward into their life’s purpose and made change happen on a global level, despite what it cost them as a human being.”

You and I can be the next bearer of this light from God.

To quote Marianne Williamson, “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.”  She goes to say, “Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us… And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

Wise words from a wise woman, who clearly has done her share of leading. Marianne was once an actress wanting to star in films and television. But she got the calling to study “A Course in Miracles.” From her studies she began to teach “The Course,” in Los Angeles. Soon her group grew exponentially large. Her platform was big and so was her message.

From that she wrote a great book, which launched a writing career. At this point, she could have used her fame to further her own dreams, but instead, she went to school at Unity Village to become a minister. She opened a church in Chicago and continued writing and speaking about the things that mattered to the world.

Does your story resemble Marianne’s? Are you stuck in a job or a business that isn’t serving you or the greater good, when you know your heart is calling you to greatness?

I feel you. I have been experiencing this call for many years now. Sometimes I have taken the call into my own hands and tried to make more of what God intended. Each time I did so, I realized that the only thing I really can be is ready, when it comes to my calling.

God has to open the doors and invite you in. Then you must simply step forward. That’s all. Much of the bible talks about getting ready for God. The New Testament always sounded to me like we were to get ready for God’s return. But… what if… God’s return is coming through you, through me? And the return is contingent upon our readiness?

(To Read the rest of this Blog, please click on the link below. Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and LifeCoach, available for private sessions to Quit Smoking, Lose Weight with the new Lap Band-Hypnosis, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334. )

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