Monday, March 4, 2013

The Breathtaking Leap to Safety—A Picture of Anxiety

The Breathtaking Leap to Safety—A Picture of Anxiety

I am running scared, my heart racing out of my chest. Adrenaline surges to every limb, especially to my mind where the worse scenarios begin to develop like film slipping in an old projector. Who is after me? Will I live or die, or worse yet be tortured to the last breath of my life? Will I feel pain? Will I have the courage to endure?

I come to the end of the road. A deep hole the size of my body has been ripped from the center of the road as if an earthquake had occurred. All I can see is a very deep, immeasurable drop, where surely I would die if I were to jump. I must leap over to safety if I have a chance at living.

Do I leap? Do I take a chance and hide from what I think is pursuing me? Or do I collapse into the hole to my demise?

People with anxiety suffer from this kind of panic almost every day. Sometimes the adrenaline gets so intense their heart feels like it can explode, and yet, they have no idea most times what it is they are suffering from and why. This is an example of a panic attack.

Some people get them when they are facing a particular fear. Some people get them when they have no idea what they are facing. Usually that means the person involved hasn’t really taken the time to go to therapy to find out what is hiding under the panic.

I liken panic and anxiety to coming home and finding a ferocious lion in your front yard. You rush to the door and grapple for your keys. The keys drop. Your panic heightens. You finally get the key in the door and you slam the door shut before the lion has a chance at attack.

You call FEMA. But as FEMA is going to take 20 minutes to come, the lion begins to slam into the front window. You look for places to hide in your house. How many doors can you put between you and the danger of that lion succeeding in breaking through the window to harm you? How much space can you put between you and your fear—is the real truth?

So, as the person with anxiety begins to unfold the story of truth to him/herself and sees what he/she is running from, you begin to see why it takes so much energy each day to create the barriers they need to stay protected from the danger. Some people choose food and gain tons of weight to create a literal barrier between life and their perceived outside fear. Some choose substance abuse to keep them from ever having to face what it is that is chasing them.

But the real courageous person realizes that he/she can’t continue to run his/her entire life. She must stop and discover what this enigma is and either fight it or leap over it or let it destroy her. No other choice exists. The real fear is inside and must be obliterated.

I talk a lot about self-hypnosis and the ability to become a conscious observer of the human condition in all of us. This type of diagnosis—anxiety—is one of those psychological malfunctions of the body and brain that need this kind of compassion that only the observer can give it. No other person but you can see what it is that you are running from.

So, learning the tools of self-hypnosis can save your life if you have an anxiety disorder. Trust me, I know this from experience. I used to wake up with my heart racing like I could run a 500K sprint and win. What pursues you always feels like a shadow following you from behind until you wrestle with it and win.

I’m here to tell you that anxiety is a thing of the past for me and it can be for you too. Meds are great, but they can’t relieve the entirety of the mental process that created your fearful profile. You must unfurl the problem and get to its roots to have a chance at living a life that is free of anxiousness and stress. Though it may seem like your problem is outside of you, it is always an internal trigger caused by something in your past that changed your life forever. Let’s find it together.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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