Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is Life a Curse or a Grand Adventure?

Is Life a Curse or a Grand Adventure?

A new matchmaking website had made its way to my email inbox. It told me that it was a new way that Match.com was using to connect people. So, bated, I began the test of questions. “What do you like more, cats or dogs? What are you more likely to vote for, a policy or a person? Watch, Football or Sunday movies? Vacation to ski or the beach?”

Then, the test showed a picture of a little boy looking over a high wall. The question was: what do you see?

I was multiple choice of four answers: (a) adventure, (b) something scary, (c) wide-open space, or (d) a little cat that needs to be rescued?

Of course, if I were to parse out each of these answers, I probably would get the exact person I was looking for with just this one question, especially if he were to elaborate. My personal answer was © wide-open space, unlimited resource for the future.

But the real question in this blog is: Where does anyone’s mind get the ability to think wide open space as opposed to scary or frightening? This life’s perspective is the difference between seeing your life as a curse or an adventure.

Even if what I saw over the wall was something that made my heart sink, such as mass devastation, I would still see it as a chance to make a difference in the world. “Look, I have discovered some world out there that needs our help. Let’s go save it! I want to make a difference.”

If what I saw was an army of men waiting to shoot me down, I would simply slip down the wall and retreat.

In other words, personally, I am the type of individual who waits until I see what is in front of me before I react. This is the difference between anticipating disaster and seeing your life as a curse behind every corner. This is the difference between fear and loneliness and giving the universe the opportunity to provide change and resources to make a considerable difference in your world every day.

Changing Your Mantel of Expectation About Life

If we recognize that we are not here on this earth to always be taking from life or each other, rather that our life’s journey includes, first, to be a resource for the earth’s good, then we lose the mantel of expectation that all things should be about personal gain and providing comfort to our own souls. Living in the now is about seeing life for exactly what it is. Life can be a storm. It can be a sunny day. It can be a snowy blizzard. Life can engulf you in a tsunami. All things are possible in a world that is filled with metaphoric and physical climate change and wind shifts.

Readying our souls and minds for the worst isn’t a bad thing. Respecting life’s course by knowing that each relationship has an end, either by a person dying or by you leaving or dying is just a mere given. This doesn’t created pessimism as much as it creates a sense of wanting to live in the present more fully.

When I consider the ephemeral state of life, I want to capture each moment and live it absolutely with abandon. I don’t want to waste time in the past or with petty, intricate nonsense. I don’t care about what you’ve said about me in the past. In fact, if you’re reading this, and you think I may never forgive you for something you did or said to me, you are absolutely wrong.

I may not want to have you as my best friend again because of trust issues and proper boundaries, but I don’t make a habit of holding negativity in my body or mind. It’s a waste of energy and a drain sucker to my body and soul.

Finding adventure instead of finding a curse to life is letting go of the negativity in your life and taking hold of the best parts of your life with both hands. Stretch out your strength in front of you like your laying out a road map. Work on extrapolating and finding the paths to the joys, the most trusted friends and family, and your strongest work attributes. Focus on finding the roads to the best in you. Let go of the people who have done you wrong and erase those roadways in your mind. Release the things that no longer serve you. Forget your failures, your roadblocks. They have taught you well. Cut the ties completely—now and get on the expressway to a new paradigm where unlimited good is your compass.

I have literally gone into my phone and email list and deleted people whom I don’t want to call or contact. I have a habit of thinking of someone who has hurt me in the past and try to reconcile, when it isn’t my duty or purpose to do so. The old neuro-pathways in my brain don’t want to let go of old relationships, because they are mapped out in my hippocampus as abandonment.

But when I look at my life with truth, I see that some people leaving my life is the best gift they could have given. Gone is where they should be and where I should leave them. So, I take away my opportunity to get in touch with them by using the DELETE BUTTON, because I know I may try at some point to recreate a sick pattern of detachment in my heart.

Ridding your life of negative choices helps to release the feeling of being cursed and creates a sense of open space for new and wonderful things to happen.

Remember we have Unlimited Source always wanting to fill our lives with wonder. But if our lives are filled already with negativity, there is no place to put this great adventure. So, find what no longer serves you and get rid of it today.

Make room for the great adventures that are in store for you and your loved ones now!

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com.

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