Thursday, March 21, 2013

Power of Unwavering Trust

Power of Unwavering Trust

What does it take to have faith in someone so much, that you would trust him/her with your life? Trust is uniquely shown, not spoken. Trust comes from years of faith, not months. Trust is weighed on each decision that you both make together and comes out with a balanced answer.

I can think of only two people in the entire world that I would trust with my life. Their friendships have been vastly proven over the years. I have so much unwavering trust with each of them that I have given each of them the right to make the call if I were to be on life support.

First, I am thinking of my best friend Keith. Over the years he has shown me that no matter what happens to me, no matter what I’ve done, good or bad, he is not going to judge. He has proven over and over that he wants the best for me and my family. Because of this, I feel as if he is my flesh and blood brother. He is invited to every family function, because I am not the only one in my family who feels this way about him. My mother considers him her son. My sisters think of him as a brother and can call him if they need a ride from the airport. They have leaned on him in times of despair.

My point being, trust is two-fold. You must have unwavering trust, but you must also seek to find someone whom others trust as well to get the complete package. If you can trust someone and other people don’t trust him/her, that says something about your personal relationship with that person. It means that the inherent trust built between you isn’t based on the character of the person, but on how that person feels about you.

In my estimation, that kind of relationship has the capacity to shatter. My life has proven that face a few times. Someone I felt like I could trust with my life did not make a good impression on my other friends. In fact, my friends would sometimes tell me that she was rude to them.

I have a rule in life—and you can find this in most of my books—with amount of  compassion and care your friend treats a waiter or a garbage man or a person on the street, that same ratio of compassion is going to be in your relationship at some point. So, with trust, always look to the person’s character first. Relationships and likes and dislikes are contingent upon the inevitable disagreement. Sometimes those disagreements turn out to be life changing and friendship rejecting. Trust is built on character.

The other person in my life that I feel I can totally trust is my baby sister Lori. If you can believe this, we are fifty years into our relationship and have never had a fight or a disagreement. She has proven many times that her compassion for other people is considerable. With family, we get to see the underlying person and all the faults as well as the good. There is no hiding anything within blood relatives. So, if she can endure the test of truth and compassion under the family’s critical eye, she can probably retain my complete trust as well.

We went through my dad’s death together and the dispersal of his belongings. She was the Executrix of the Will, and she asked me to help her with some of the harder parts of my dad’s wishes. One of the most difficult challenges was the fact that my dad didn’t want some of his belonging to be given to one brother and one sister. Despite his wishes, Lori still gave each of them an equal amount of money from her own joint account that she shared with my dad. I don’t believe either of my siblings know that, even now. I thought her decision alone to share what was hers was enough to see that she had deep compassion beyond our familial connection. But through the years she has nurtured our friendship and been there at every turn for me. That is worthy of that my unwavering trust.

As you can see by my own account of life, I have had many friends come and go. I have had many family members treat me well sometimes and other times not. But the one thing for certain about trust is that it must be unwavering for it to be true. So, those times in marriages when people break the bond of trust with moments of passion, they sacrifice a great deal to their own hearts and decimate the bond of love that will truly never be the same.

I hope I keep that truth safely in my heart as I venture out into new and loving personal relationships.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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