Saturday, February 23, 2013

Waiting in Your Uncomfortable Silence

Waiting in Your Uncomfortable Silence

Nothing is worse in life than waiting: waiting for a suitor to call, waiting for a job offer, waiting for your paycheck to come, waiting for the doctor, waiting to hear news about someone who is sick. But one kind of waiting may be even worse: waiting in your own uncomfortable silence while your mind and body work out the problem you are facing, instead of running away or diverting your attention.

This year has been about sitting here waiting for understanding. I have had many people ask me what’s wrong or if am I feeling okay. My friends aren’t used to me being quiet and looking a bit sullen. But the truth is my heart is in a bit of a cocoon trying to understand itself. And that is exactly where it should be until I have learned what I need to understand about my life’s hardest lessons.

You see my consciousness needs to know that I am protecting myself for my own sense of self-esteem and honor. And when I sit in my silence, I honor my commitment to the deepest spiritual truth of my life.

In Buddhism, the first noble truth is that life includes dissatisfaction. When I can agree with this statement I can free myself from the idea that I deserve anything in the way I imagined it would be. In so doing, I can see that all people are open to this same dissatisfaction and release myself from all the past tears and present crying for situations that simply are.

When I stay with myself, I prove one big solid: I don’t abandon myself when things get rough! This, my friends, can help you with all your issues of abandonment.

When you prove to yourself that you won’t abandon the ship when things get bad, then you have done the hardest work in reconciling your spirit’s work to your human condition. You won’t need all the knights in shining armor to rescue you, if you are at the helm of your own ship or castle.

In my silence I have found some answers, but not all of them. I keep finding myself in situations where I choose to be alone instead of with friends, and that’s okay for now. My quietness will be fulfilled when all the answers lead me to the strength of character I search for.

It’s okay to be quiet for a season.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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