Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Singing Falsetto in the Shower

Singing Falsetto in the Shower

Fact: Almost everyone sings in the shower.
Fact: Almost everyone sings higher, louder and with more passion in the shower.
Fact: People are naked and free in the shower.

What do all these strange facts have to do with anything?

When we are abandoned and free, we tend to do the things that we are most passionate about. These very same things come from a core place in our bodies and voices that resound loudly and strongly into the earth.

This metaphor for life would be: what are you doing in the shower that you should be doing in your life? What are you dreaming in the steam of the shower that could be made into a reality outside the doors of your nakedness?

Life is built on dreams. Dreams are built on seed thoughts. Expressing your desire and building on yours dream by research, study, and practice, waters the seeds of your thoughts. Soon these seeds germinate into strong plants with firm roots—foundations that are placed deeply into your subconscious mind. And a mind that is free to dream can release these dreams into consciousness and reality and let the physical realm play with the sub-matter to create real-matter.

Basically, this is the thought process of New Thought. God, which is creative source made up of unlimited resource, is constantly regenerating itself. Ideas like free flowing thoughts float freely in the ethers for anyone to gather. So, if you are meditating and getting out of the physical mind, you have a chance at a grand part of your untapped mind stumbling across one of these new ideas. When this happens, anyone—because Spirit is no respecter of persons—can take one of these ideas and manifest it with time and diligence.

And as I wrote before, all one needs to do with an idea is start from a dream and let it manifest through the subconscious into conscious reality, as expressed in two paragraphs before.

So, next time you find yourself singing in the shower, think about the freedom you feel there. Imagine the biggest and best you on stage manifesting a powerful new song that only you can sing. Allow your mind to dream big. Don’t stop at emulating someone who is a star or a person you know who has already made it. Create a new path. Dreamer bigger than all the others. Let Spirit lead you to the highest path that you can get to.

As I said before in my blogs, dreaming big doesn’t mean manifesting lots of money and fame; though, it doesn’t deny it either. Dreaming big is about changing the world, changing the way people think, and changing the way life operates for the better.
If you could be a part of this paradigm shift in the world, would you stay in the shower singing in falsetto, or you would you belt out your new song for all the world to hear?
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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com.

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