Thursday, June 20, 2013

June Bugs and Christmas

June Bugs and Christmas

This morning was a combination of pain and beauty. Like June bugs, which mostly are a menace, they come with the package of June’s beautiful flowers. And like family comes with Christmas, we have to take the happy with the sad, doing our best to live a joy-filled life. I arose this morning with a little less lilt and a bit more migraine. The annoying throbbing still has not gone away. I hope I don’t have to get out the big guns. They cost—get this—$27 a pill!

The first time my doctor prescribed just three pills of Maxalt, I was a little amused. Really? I thought. Then, when three pills were $80, my sphincter squeezed so tightly, it was as if I had drawn the strings of my purse, closing it for good.

I’m fortunate to be able to go outside and see the beauty of my five gardens. This helps my brain process some of the pain, as well using some of the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitation and Reprocessing) techniques I have learned about switching off the neuro-pathways of the brain, or at least confusing them during the time I do the exercises.

I have a dear friend who has been wrestling with joint and body pain since a very serious car accident when she was in her early twenties. She is now in her forties, I think. I have watched her slip in and out of depression over the years from all of the pain. She actually has stopped working, as well, because her body just doesn’t have any resistance any more.

When we talk, I think of the all the joy she has brought to my life, her infectious laughter, and her amazing talent—all of which pales to the friendship we have. Her pain is my pain. I know it well.

When my clients come in with pain and anxiety, it’s as if, like a gift I have been given the hardship of pain in the June of my life to understand and give compassion to the people who have come to me in the December of my life. Everything has a purpose, even pain—my pain and yours.

A technique called Gestalt Therapy can be used to literally speak to your physical or mental pain as if it were a person sitting across from you. With hypnosis, you get relaxed enough that you can easily imagine this scenario. The surprising messages that come from pain would amaze you.

When I took the therapy, I was having migraines and neck pain. As my therapist led me to talk to the pain, it said to me, “You are trying to carry too much on your shoulders. Your neck can’t bear all the weight that you carry. “

This was over fourteen years ago. My own body had been trying to tell me through aches and severe pain that I wasn’t responsible for the world and all of its problems—just the problems in my personal life. The rest I could let God take care of.

When I understood the Gestalt concept, I started to use this on my own clients. More and more surprising messages came to the surface. I finally understood that the body is constantly telling us messages with the issues it attracts. This is why, when something seemingly bad happens, I try to find the message in the problem.

I have discovered that when I find the message, the symptoms magically dissolve. If everything has a purpose—pain, too, has its reasons in life. “Understand your enemies,” the Master Jesus said, and “make peace with them.” When you realize your enemies are often the issues in your own mind and body, this will change your life.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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