Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Every Moment with You is a Gift

Every Moment with You Is a Gift

Often we find it easier to give than to receive. Most people prefer giving, especially if they have been caregivers their entire lives. However, selfish or narcissistic people tend to find partners who prefer to give, so that they can take freely without the need to reciprocate.

I have noticed in my twenty-three years of hypnotherapy and life coaching that people who are nurses, caregivers, doctors, and mothers—to name a few—tend to take care of everyone else, first, instead of caring for themselves at all.

The adage that we hear as we take off on a commercial airline is often the best advice: “Make sure you put your oxygen mask on first, before you attend to your children.”

A very good reason exists for that. If you have no air and can’t breathe, you will have no chance of saving anyone else. Yet, even though we understand this concept in the friendly skies, we still may have trouble realizing that our self needs our not selfish at all. Self-care is important because, if you are not happy and healthy, then you will have no energy to help others in your life.

If you are one who will not take this advice, I bet you have an addiction, such as overeating or cigarette smoking or drinking alcohol in excess. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that, if you don’t get your needs met in a relationship, you are going to find a way of self-satisfying, even though that habit may lead to your own demise.

You see, the “gift moments” I refer to in the title of this blog are the moments you spend with yourself.

Are you taking the gift of time away, spa days, self-soothing, taking a fun class, going out with friends, reading a great book, and more specifically, meditation and spiritual seeking? If you take time to nurture yourself and find satisfaction and peace in your life, everyone in your world benefits.

The happier I am, the more I enjoy my work. The more I enjoy my work, the more my clients benefit. The more at peace I am, the better I digest my food. The better I digest my food, the more my body uses the vitamins gleaned from it to provide physical health and strength. The more I laugh, the least likely I am to have a headache or body pain.

Self-care can lead to weight loss, muscle growth, a new look, a better outlook, a loss of depression, and less of a need for multiple medications. All of this leads to a better self-image. When you believe you are “worth it,” then you make more money, attract better friends, and invite joy into every part of your life.

This also leads to ease in receiving from others. I look forward to my birthday every year, because I love getting gifts now. I see every present as a way for me to see my worth through other people’s eyes. Everything from homemade cards to expensive baubles are all fair game.

As you read the last paragraph, if you were thinking: he sounds like he is selfish, because he loves to get birthday gifts.

Is this not the thought of a person reared to believe that giving is the only righteous act on earth? Receiving gives someone else a chance at feeling that great joy of giving. If there were no one to receive, then none of us would have a chance to give. Even Jesus says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over…”

If the great teacher Jesus tells us that the reciprocity of giving is receiving, then each of us should be open to the gifts that come to us daily. I’m not saying that you should expect a return anyone. I’m saying exactly the opposite. Our gifts often come from other sources as we extend our hearts to unlimited giving. But the universal law of reciprocity would see to it that all our needs are met as we give. It is law that we receive what we need, when we give.

So, open your arms and get ready for the gifts that abundant, all-loving and all-giving Spirit is ready to pour out on you today. Imagine that someone is knocking at your door now holding that 20 Million dollar jackpot check. Imagine how your heart would feel if that actually were true.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com.

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