Monday, July 20, 2015

Is Love a Bargain? #bargainshopping #realtionshipadvice #lovelessons

I love a good bargain. My eyes double in size when I see a sign that reads: 75% OFF! Truly, it’s an adrenaline rush better than sex! One year, a client of mine gave me a $150 gift card to Dillards. I waited until 45 days after Christmas and thought I’d burst out of my skin when I came home with about $1500 worth of stuff for $0. Yes, I’m a sales-addict!

When it comes to love, no bargains exist. Love doesn’t come with a sign that says: “pick me because I just got a divorce and I’m vulnerable and 1/2 off!”

In fact, those signs will get you into the most trouble of all. Here are some other signs to watch out for when you’re shopping for a mate:
  1. I just got out of a 20-year relationship and I’m ready to DATE.
  2. I was playing for the opposite team in my last relationship!
  3. When he or she says, “I’m really not good at communication!”
  4. I’ve been clean for an entire month! WOW!
  5. Looking at other people, sexually, isn’t a crime!
  6. I watch an hour of porn before I go to bed everynight.
  7. I’m a prejudiced bigot! (this is like looking for the flaw in a “seconds” pile).
So, you get it that love isn’t a bargain. In fact, when you shop for love, you probably won’t find what you’re looking for. The size won’t be right. The color will be just a shade too dark, the material a little scratchy.

It’s when you go out shopping with a dear friend, you find that perfectly fitting outfit. It was in a store you would have not gone in had it not been for the path of someone else. This is when you’ll find your mate. At least, that’s what I’m told. I’m still meandering around the mall with no bags in my hands, hoping someone will notice.

I do know this about love: from what I’ve nurtured and grown in the past, it stuns me when I find it. It draws me in and keeps me there. But, now that I’m an older, healthier individual with less attachment issues and certainly less neediness (which comes packaged nicely with age)—I wonder if love will slap me in the face or kick me in the behind. I think it will have to do one or the other to get my attention, because I’m not so certain that I want to spend the money on that one-of-a-kind designer outfit that was designed specifically for me. Even if it stares me down and beckons me like that perfect bargain.

Your Gay Friend's Cover art
You can find all of Books by Category at Today's featured book is my NY Times Bestselling book: "Your Gay Friend's Guide to Understanding Men!"  Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels,  Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
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A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)

If you are a gay man or woman, you may want to direct your gaze to my newest blog: Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. This blog is an extension of my Facebook page ( and group meetings about the rare combination of spirituality and "being gay" defines the most important part of us, even in relationship. Join me at: 
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.

Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.

Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual WarriorGo directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]

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