Friday, December 21, 2012

Why Did I Marry Person A and Not Marry Person B

Why Did I Marry Person A and Not Marry Person B?

We go through life passing things. We pass people, buildings, cars, trucks, flowers, fields of grain, and animals. But very seldom in life do we stop long enough to develop a deep relationship with something or someone on our way through life. 
            As I look back at my own life, I have to wonder what makes the difference between person A and person B as they slip by me? Why did I ponder a relationship with person B and not with person A. What made the difference in the chemical binding of our bodies and the soul connection in our hearts and cerebral ties of our brains? 
            So, as most things in life, I prayed about it—meditated about it. And here is what I got. 
            I got this message in a dream: Our lives on earth were made up of spirit/soul families. These families look much like a family tree. The ones closest to us on the tree are the ones that play the biggest roles in our lives in this lifetime. Before we come into this life we all get together with Spiritual Elders in heaven and create a scenario that is like a play. (You are going to fall in love with me and break my heart. You are going to be my father. You are going to be my brother. I'll be your best friend. You'll be my worst enemy. And so on.) Then when you come to earth, you forget everything that was planned in heaven and play out the circumstance to learn your greatest spiritual lessons.
            What I understood from this dream was that the people who teach you the hardest lessons in this life time—the ones who usually hurt you the deepest—are the ones who are the closest in your spirit connection in heaven. It is like Judas to Jesus. He took the role to betray Jesus, because it was the hardest role. 
            When we leave this life and meet the players in this lifetime, we will embrace them and say, "You did an amazing job in the role you played in my life. No one could have played the role better. I loved you so deeply. And you broke my heart as intended."
            After I got this dream, I started to think about the deepest hurts in my life. Some of those people had gone on to be with the Lord. I imagined meeting them in spirit. Of course, there was no memory of the pain of the earth. As Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You err in your belief..." about the afterlife. There is no human body, no lovers, no marriage, no need for the thought of betrayal. It will just be a place of divine peace. Perhaps, there will be a time to look back to what had been learned on earth, as in watching a movie, but I doubt we will be able to carry our hate into heaven. I don't believe there will be a place for hate there, or hurt or pain. We will have worked that all out.
            So, if you feel drawn to a person and led to talk with them. It might not be just some kind of sexual desire, it may be a deep spiritual longing that has been planned since the beginning of your time on earth. 
            Just a thought. 

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