The Element of Surprise
you read a good novel, the objective is to have a page-turner. Each paragraph
should lead you to the next, each page to the next page, each chapter should
have you hungering for what is to follow. I wonder how much of this element of
surprise we can bring into our own lives to make it more interesting for all
those participating, including YOU.
Today was a great example for me. My family had nothing planned
for this holiday. My mother had bought some things to cookout on the grill.
Steve and I thought maybe we would go away, but nothing was decided. We
actually were waiting to see if the weather would cooperate with us going to
our favorite short vacation spot, Beersheba Springs.
But, as time and the weekend would have it, neither of us took the
initiative to make a plan. We woke up this morning with nothing scheduled. I
didn’t fret, as I may have done in the past. I sat and wrote my blog and let
the rest of the world decide what to do.
I listened with one ear as I heard some planning going on between
my mother and Steve. I heard them talking on the phone to a Brazilian friend
about coming up from Spring Hill to join us for the afternoon cookout.
When I finished with my blog, I got a phone call from my best
friend. I asked him what he was doing for the afternoon. He was free, so I
invited him to come over. The day turned out to be wonderful. We played fun
games on my new 3-D television and ate till we were stuffed to the gills. Then
we laughed and carried on at the dinner table until everyone was tired and
ready to call it quits. It was an absolutely perfect day with no planning on my
part and no fretting about the outcome. Every attribute of the day was
intricately knitted together as if it were meant to be. And, perhaps, it was.
When I write novels and my books, I never know what’s going to
happen next. I don’t plan the entire outline as some writers do. I develop
characters and situations then I let the characters choose what’s next. This
style of writing is more exciting to me, because I don’t know what’s going to
happen next either. So, I figure that it would make for a better novel or book
for a person reading, as well fun for me.
In life, we tend to plan a lot. Is it because we need to be in
control, or because we simply don’t know how to let life unfold before us in a
natural way? I’m convinced daily, that I should come prepared for life, but
wait for the best to come.
That being said, sometimes I get an unction to call someone or
make a date to meet someone for lunch. I think this, too, is Spirit’s way of
moving us forward. I know it’s not my will, because it seems that the idea to
meet or call flows from a different part of my brain.
Also, I find that Spirit leaves signs for me when I need to spend
time with someone. I might see their name somewhere. I may get a phone call
from them. I may run into them some place unexpectedly. I know from theses
synchronistic events that I need to move my attention in their direction.
This is way different than when I was younger. Then, I would want
to be working the room. I would see someone who could further my career and
make a point in meeting and following up with lunch or dinner and card—oh so
many business cards. Everything then, now seems so contrived that it makes me
feel almost dirty compared to the way my life unfolds simply now.
Yes, there are plenty of things I would love to happen in my life.
But I have realized that my timing isn’t God’s timing ever. I can force things
to happen, but is it worth it at the risk of my peace and my authenticity?
Here is my formula for authentic living: Be as prepared as you can
possibly be. If you are a novelist, make sure you have a novel written and
edited and ready to go. If you are a singer, get that demo done. Get a vocal
coach and make it the best you can do. Better quality and better vocals is
going to do much for your career, than a fast under-quality product. This is
the same with any career move. Get your mind focused. Get educated. And
prepare. Then the process is about the wait. Let Spirit help you decide your
next move. See what that feels like, instead of expending all of your energy
and money giving 100 demos and manuscripts to 100 different people. That is a
waste most times. Just as sending out 1000 resumes would be to the wrong
companies. Do you work and find out which companies need you as a person and
your qualities to make them a better company. Be convinced of it, before you
send out a resume.
The first novel I had published came from me going to a writer’s
conference a friend urged me to go to just to spend time with her in Colorado
Springs. I met my agent there and my publisher there. I read a short story in a
workshop. A publisher loved it and asked me to submit my work to her after the
conference. It was one submission, and I got the deal.
Before that I had sent literally 100’s of proposals out with
nothing to show for myself. Did I learn a lot from the old belief? Yes. But did
I make a step forward toward my dream? No. Not until I answered the call of
spirit, did I actually move forward toward my dream.
Then the next year, that same writer’s conference was so impressed
that I got an agent and a publisher at the conference, they invited me back,
all expenses paid, to be a presenter. As a presenter, I hung out with all the
publishers, editors from big NYC and LA publishing companies and the agents.
From that one spiritual move with my friend’s call, my entire writing career
Let God help unfold your dreams with you. I assure you that you
will be more at peace and more in line with what the universe has to offer you
and be more prepared for the reaping of your success than ever.
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