Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gray Marriage

Gray Marriage

            Yes, you’re seeing the correct words. It doesn’t say “Gay Marriage,” though it could say that.
            As we get to the political debates this week, I wonder just how much focus will be on marriage, the definition of marriage, and our profound desire to make marriage a political issue.
            Does anyone else feel like I do? Marriage, like religion, is one of the most personal and intimate facets of our hearts. No one belongs in our heart circle, but the people we choose. No one deserves to dictate who or how we believe about it.
            Our country’s credo has been based upon the premise of freedom of speech and religion, and add to that equality for race and females for as long as I’ve been an adult. I do remember as a child when African Americans fought hard for equality and also women too. The fight continues everyday, but we understand the concept. We fight for the rights to be what and who we are created to be, and should get equal treatment in every situation.
            Yet, politics have found a reason to cozy up into our bedrooms, become voyeurs, and judge what is right for us by a standard that is all their own. I, for one, am ashamed of this bureaucratic bullshit and this country’s desire to make what is divinely personal—law.
            I honestly don’t care what anyone else believes about marriage. I only care what I believe about it, because I am the one who dictates whether or not it will happen in my life and with whom.
            I understand, though, that law would prohibit me to be who I am and marry whom I choose, and that makes me sad. It would make me sad for anyone I knew to be in that situation. I would never want anyone to be deprived of love or the opportunity for a committed relationship, holding all the benefits and security we all deserve.
            Is it time to stand up and say something?
            Or maybe we need to just keep it personal and vote. Vote for the individuals who keep us free and at peace with our own choices. Vote for the politicians who don’t try to ascribe laws to us that prohibit personal choice that only hearts should make.
            I don’t need to get up and hold a sign today and say: Vote for Gay Marriage. Right now, in America, marriage is “Gray” until we get it right for all of us!

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