Saturday, December 22, 2012

Oh I Got Plenty of Somin', And Somin's Got Plenty for Me

Oh I Got Plenty of Somin’, and Somins’ Got Plenty for Me

            Do you remember the song from “Porgy and Bess” called “I Got Plenty ONuttin”? The song goes on to say, and “nuttin’s got plenty for me.”
            I was just thinking what a miserable outlook for a any character to have.
            My job, should I choose to take it (very Mission Impossible-esque), is to always find the best way to look at life. When nuttin comes my way, it’s time for me to make somin’ out of it. Right?
            I’ll give you an example. Every year in August when the kids are just getting back to school, I have one or two weeks when people just don’t book sessions. I usually make 50% of my usual income.
            I don’t get fearful I’m going to be poor. I simply know that people are busy in transition. The same thing happens the week before Christmas.
            Do I use those weeks to go into a slump and sing “I got plenty O nuttin’?”
            Oh no, this August I spent almost the entire two weeks working on my website and doing some taxes and completing some business I don’t generally have time to do, when I had unusual breaks in time. And then there is marketing that falls under that same category. I don’t usually have time to do follow-ups as I should. So, I wrote some letters to some old clients that were much needed.
            At Christmas time I do my end of the year taxes every year at the same time. I’m usually the first person to submit my taxes to my accountant every year. It’s about a ten-hour job, and I spread it out over a couple days.
            There is absolutely no reason to fret when something stands in your way. Life doesn’t have roadblocks! Life has detours. Most of the time those detours lead you to paths you would have never taken—with people you would have never met—had the road not been closed.
            Bless the good and the perceived bad in your life. As people often say, “It’s all Good.” If you believe in a God that does all things for the good for those who God created, then you have to believe there is a reason for you to be just where you are—when you are there!
            The Now is perfectly beautiful. The now may mean you need me more, or I need you more. That, too, is okay. We are all in this together.

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