Flags for Independence
turned a page in my life. I’m finally a full-fledged NOTHINGACRAT. I turn on
the television this morning to find both political parties smashing each other
and fumbling with fouls. Three fouls, you’re out. I retired thinking I’d vote
for my dog if I could.
want to be a good person and do my civic duty and vote. Of course, I want the
responsibility that so many have died for. But when you have candidate after
candidate making commercials that make you want to regurgitate negative
rhetoric, you start to wonder who is the WORST, instead of who is the BEST.
I guess this is happening all over the world. I know I’d rather be voting than
establishing a war to get the right president. We’re in the right direction
there. But the fighting. I just want to be allowed to not take part in it.
anyone is around me causing a disturbance, fighting and bringing unrest to my
environment, I do something about it. I make laws against my home and myself
being in the middle of anyone else’s crap. I tell myself, focus on what you can
control. I watch less television around election time and more movies.
you have someone in your life that is causing stress and anxiety by fighting
and bringing contention, you need to do something about it. Don’t sit on your
butt all day and think, well eventually this person will die or leave me. It’s
probably not going to happen. You are probably going to die first because you
have swallowed so much unrest without taking action. It’s the truth.
was not just about talking about peace. He took action when he saw something
that disturbed him. I’d imagine a lot of our finest spiritual teachers have
done the same.
you have a partner that is seeking divorce and is vomiting all over you. Do
something about it. If what they are doing is against the law (like breaking
your things, abusing you verbally or physically), call the police. Take action.
If you have a friend that brings this kind of unrest in your life, you just
need to find another, better friend. I don’t care what the negative friend has
done for you in the past to make you feel guilty enough to sustain this bad
friendship, you have paid your dues. Time to move on.
I’m 51, soon to 52 and I can tell you that life flies by quickly. You blink your
eyes and all the things you dreamed of doing, start to look like they just ain’t gonnahappen. Now is the
time to start taking action. You have to take control of your life and time, or
you’ll end up sick from stuffing it down into your body, or taking it out on
people you love—neither of which you want.
is a good day to fly a flag of independence. We don’t have to be party to
anything that does not bring peace to our hearts and our lives. Make laws
against regret and begin taking action today! “This is the day the Lord has
made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
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