Exponential Resource
think the question on everyone’s mind almost everyday is “do I have enough?”
- Do I have enough money?
- Do I have enough beauty?
- Do I have enough resources?
- Do I have enough intelligence?
- Do I have enough love?
The list can go on for eternity. We all understand that need is
part of the human condition. The second we are born, we cry for food, for
breast milk, for warmth, for comfort. We are provided for, as a general rule,
most of our childhood. Then we must begin to fend for ourselves. It is at this
juncture in life, we begin to experience the sense that there MAY just not be
enough of what we need to get by.
The truth is: on a physical plane, there may not be enough. Plenty
of people are starving and going without in this world. So, how do we change
the instinct in our brains to grasp for everything we can get and live too big
or beyond our means? How do we release from the fear, even though we may have
I had an interesting meditation a couple days ago. I dwelled on
finance. I remembered a day when it was a struggle to get by. I learned the
lesson of being a good businessman from a lot of talented people around me. So,
lately, I haven’t had to feel the sense of living from month to month.
But, buy a home and car, let your mom move in with you, plant five
gardens, remodel, and keep the business going, and you’ll see that sometimes
you just have to do without.
I have been okay with that business model. But in my prayer, as I
have done for a long time, I meditated on prosperity. I imagined angels going
forward and gathering clients to come to me. I saw them lining up at my door. I
saw cars in my driveway. I have been very meticulous about envisioning what I
want in my life for many years.
But during this particular meditation, I felt a hand on my
shoulder and voice say, “Stop!
“What you need to do is quit limiting what I can do for you by
putting dollar signs and parameters around everything you pray for. I am a God
of unlimited means. If you let go of your quest for certainty and simply pray
that I fulfill your needs, I will create exponentially more than you can ever
I began to think on that. How many times have I said to myself,
“My bills are $>>> and I need this amount of clients this month to
fulfill that need, God”?
So, basically, I have been asking for a lot less than God wants to
give me. If I would have just prayed, “God, you know my needs, please draw to
me whatever it is that I may need to fulfill your will for my life. I know
abundance will then follow,” perhaps that would have let the hand of God lead
me to greener pastures. I’m not sure.
All of this week I have been praying without limits. I have
noticed about 10-15 times a day that I put limits on what God can do in my
life. Take some time today and think about how many times you say to yourself
and to God, something that creates limitations in your life.
“My pay is $1000 and I have $800 worth of bills, which leaves me
$200 for groceries.”
All of that is limitation. You might say, “Thank you, God, for my
$1000 pay check. I know my bills are taken care off. I look forward to seeing
how many other ways your abundance can flow through my life.”
When you discover what you have said, just simply reword it
without the limitation. See how it feels. I believe you’ll feel as I did. A
little frightened, and a little excited at the same time. I look forward to
seeing how this changes my outlook and finances in my life and in yours.
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