Friday, December 21, 2012

It Came to Pass, Not to Stay

It Came to Pass, Not to Stay

My pastor, Dr. Mitch Johnson, said yesterday that the bible always reads, “It came to pass” not “It came to stay.” This got me a thinkin’ about what God intended!
            Everything is really passing—speedily. Four months ago we started planning my mother’s 80th’s birthday. This weekend it happens. A blink of an eye was what transpired between the plans and now the moment.
            Just ten years ago I couldn’t imagine planning something a year from today. Now, it doesn’t bother me a bit. Lots of factors can change in a year, but life passes. It certainly doesn’t stay. That’s for sure.
            So, what if something bad that has happened to you or has transpired in the past that you just can’t seem to let go of sticks in your mind and you can’t get it out? How does knowing that life passes and doesn’t stay help the healing process?
            Well, when I sit on my spiritual perch (the place that is outside my body, looking back into my life), I notice that what I see is a human body moving through space and time. When trials happen here in my body, there is a pause in human motion, a blip. Then the body and mind wait to catch up with my spirit.
            In the spirit, everything is already resolved and perfectly present. We come into this life with expectations of learning lessons with those spirits we travel along this path with; relatives, friends, enemies, teachers. But I think that our human mind is the slowest of the mind/body/spirit trinity to catch up with the idea that all is certainly well, no matter what happens. Nothing really is wrong in life. It is all intended for good and on the path to truth, no matter how horrific it seems in the moment.
            You’ve heard there is a silver lining in everything. I would think that the person who created that quote probably was aware of this wonderful spiritual paradigm. Nothing stays. Everything passes.
            I remember thinking about getting my first role in theater. Dreaming years about recording my first album. What it would be like to publishing my first book. Giving my first seminar. Teaching my first student. Hypnotizing someone. Those moments came and went so quickly I hardly remember them. The struggles getting there were long compared to the tiny, almost miniscule moments of glory when I actually got what I wanted.
            So, I’ve realized that the only moments worth focusing on are the moments getting to the glory. Every struggle, every rejection, every wrong move that leads you to the right door is what makes the fabric of the glory boldly colorful, rich and textured. I feel as if I have lived five life times in this fifty years so far, especially since I have loved and lost love so many times. This makes life feel like it has been divided into many chapters, starts and ends. Friends come into your life and then they leave. Work takes on different challenges. People die, family and friends fall into trouble situations like drugs, incarceration, segregation. Been there, done that. This only leads to more chapters that open and close. Time passes and passes and passes.
Do we look back?
            To tell you the truth, when I get stuck, it is always because I look back and wonder what I did wrong. I ask myself the age old question, “What could I have done to make things different?” But isn’t this just regret? It doesn’t help me learn a damn thing. It just keeps me in that Blip I was talking about—pausing in my painful humanness and not moving into spiritual light, which I know is available to me if I can just step out of my past and into the present with my SPIRIT.

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