Walking the Path
was a day to remember. Turning one year older, you would think, wouldn’t be all
that memorable after turning over 51 times before. But something happened
yesterday that hadn’t happened before. I actually let go and let the day happen
without trying to control my happiness for the day.
I coach people almost every day to let go of all things that no
longer serve them and be willing to walk on a pathway led by spirit in the NOW,
but sometimes I realize that I don’t take my own advice. It’s not that I’m not
trying. I make my plan not to control my life, but there I go trying to put
things in their place and make them stay.
Yesterday, I left the house to go out dancing, after my Mom had
invited a few friends and family over for a birthday celebration, and there
were plenty of messes to clean up. In fact, I’m sitting here with an entire
porch left unclean. That is so not me. I’m not even worried about when I’m
going to do it. Maybe it will clean itself up!
Now, I’m not talking to the 50% of you who are on the other side
of the coin, who will leave your messes for others to clean up on a regular
basis, or leave your house in disarray because you are too lazy. No, I’m
talking to the OCD, ADHD folks who have had a life of disarray, so now
everything has to be in perfect order. Sometimes it’s okay to let a little mess
be with you, just to remind you that it’s okay to not to be perfect.
Today and yesterday, and I hope the rest of my life, I leave
little reminders all around me that say, “Bo, it’s okay to be just who you are.
People will love you and like you even if you’re not perfect!”
When I blew out my candles yesterday, I heard, “Speech. Speech!”
The only thing I could think to say was, “In all the time of my
life, the one thing I have learned is that connecting with friends, loving and
being loved is truly the only thing that brings joy to my heart.”
To know this is truly is wisdom.
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