The Mystical Heart
Most things in life can be explained away by science and
deduction. But let's face it, there are things that just can't be explained by
anything but a belief in something larger than us playing a hand in our
thinking about a person all day, and you run into him or her at the market.
Chance or coincidence?
young Jew feeds a sympathetic German soldier during the Nazi regime. Later in
their 70's they meet again and marry in the US. Chance?
flood carries away everything a person owns. He finds the locket his fianceƩ
gave him on a far away shore long after she died in the flood. Chance?
doesn't matter what your belief, God, Spirit, Something Bigger, Greater, Buddha,
Brahman, Gayatri... the fact is, there is something in the universe that is
weaving together our lives in a magnificent way. And the fabric that remains is
you have to do is watch, and you will be amazed at how many things in life
synchronize without your trying. People collide, friendships reunite, jobs lost
and then new ones--better ones—regained. Money comes from nowhere to feed the
kids and pay the bills. For me, recently, I ended up in a courtroom where I had
just taken the picture of the judge for a local newspaper as a favor to a
friend. I knew God was with me in that moment, even though the court battle was
frivolous and ridiculous. I realized then that the lesson wasn't mine.
like to believe that all things work together for the good for those who
believe, but the truth is: All things work together no matter what. It is for
those who are watching and listening that get to live in God's grace. That is
the only difference. Everyone can live in the grace. But it's just a choice. God
would have everyone live in the bounty and in the grace, but not everyone wants
to see and believe.
of us believers have to be okay with that decision. Some will see and some will
be blinded by greed and diverse seductions. But when it comes right down to it,
we have a unbiased God who wants all of us to live in the perfect Grace that
God provides for all. Sometimes you just have to wait for your friend, lover,
partner, family member to see you believing in the right moment to understand
what it means to be in the shadow of an angel.
and Amen.
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