Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is Sickness Random

Is Sickness Random?

Lately, my close friendships and family have been rife with sickness and death. As you move through these trials with friends and family you notice a permeating oneness in thought: "Why me?"
            I can relate. I've been through many things in my life that I can say "why me?" to: child abuse, chronic stomach problems, an arthritic hip for ten years, a bus wreck at 8 years old that went down a mile long hill and landed in a swimming pool that caused neck and back pain my entire life. PTSD from an alcoholic/abusive father and a mother who left us when I was in the 4th grade and I didn't see again until the 10th. Why did all this happen to me? 
            My brother says the same thing, and he is practically the antitheses of me. He has spent most of this life either in jail or drunk or high. I'm really not sure, because he doesn't want to be contacted or found by his family except for money when it gets too bad. 
            I think about the difference in the both of us. There is really only one major difference. I chose to look at one thing and he didn't: Why was I "chosen" for this path, God?
            I would suppose my brother thinks simply, why me? Why is the world shitting on me?
            It's clear to me that from horrendous experience comes greatness. We can take the broken fragments of our shattered lives and rebuild something fabulous with the help of God, or we can let the shards be swept away by the wind and be left without a house to live in. I chose to rebuild with every fiber of my being.
            I had to know what the purpose of my life was. I knew there was a calling in all of what happened to me, because God makes no mistakes. As I prayed and I fasted, I heard the voice of God calling me higher, out of the dust, out of the past and into something that could help others. I took the hand of that angel standing by me and grabbed hold and held it like a vice and never let go. 
            Today, I have something that I will never, ever let go of. A Calling. I know every day that I am called to do what I do in my work. Every day... Every week... I touch the lives of people and help them make change that I know I wouldn't be able to do had I not experienced the hell I had gone through. 
            That is why I wanted to take the challenge of gaining the weight last week. I understand there are certain things you just can't know unless you've been there. When I was having migraines 4 times a week. The pain was so bad. I kept telling myself, "This, too, is for a reason." 
            Now, after finding Topirimate, which is a prophylactic medicine that prevents the migraines and has been successful for a year in helping me, I can not only recommend this med, but know what this kind of constant pain feels like when clients come to me in severe pain.
            I now have the compassion to understand. That means so much to a client when someone has been to hell and back and knows his/her pain. Sometimes I think it means more to the client than actually being able to help him/her in some way. And when I'm able to use hypnosis or self-hypnosis to move a person from their trauma to hope, it makes all the difference in the world. 
            They are saved.. I am saved. The world is shifted in a great way. We all are changed by the shift in their paralysis. 
            Why? Because someone decided to look at life from a different perspective. Can you do that today?

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