Thursday, December 20, 2012

Crashing on Carbs

Crashing on Carbs.

            I've had about 25 friends come up to me and say: "What were you thinking, trying to gain 10 pounds for the sake of compassion for your weight-loss clients?" 
            Honestly, I was halfway there already. I didn't think it would be all that difficult. Carbs are such a temptation, especially when people give them to me and they lie around the house looking like a magic potion for joy! 
            Some loving sweetheart gave me a big bag of cinnamon rolls 3 days ago with white icing seductively dripping through every nook and cranny. They were made by a person who doesn't use refined sugar and uses all natural sweeteners. However, they still were major carbs. Every time I looked in the direction of those cinnamon rolls, I forgot about the yogurt and watermelon in the refrigerator and dove right on them on the roll like a horny teenager. 
            I've decided, I just can't have carbs around. Besides that, my mother's sugar spikes to around 300 every time she just tastes something like that. And I caught her tasting the cinnamon rolls about 4-5 times in a day. Bad for Momma, bad for Bo. 
            However, let me tell you, I'm back to my normal weight, without any extra diet or exercise. My body just likes this weight. I've been 158 for about 20 years. Dang it, it will not have me gain one extra pound. That's what I've decided. Even when I tried to use weight gaining powders and lift weights, I'd get sick to my stomach and throw up. My weight trainers were stymied by my body's resistance to weight gain.
            Maybe the reason why some people have so much trouble with weight is that they never show their bodies consistency. Mine knows it's supposed to be 158. I'd like to know if anyone who is struggling with weight has really stayed at the same weight for a long time. I think that would be an interesting study. 
            Fluctuation isn't a good way to share with your body what it needs or how it should act. I know that for sure. What every body needs is regimentation. Your body needs you to show it that you control it. That's why Yogis start the day with breathing exercises. 6 counts in, 6 counts out for a few minutes. It lowers the blood pressure and communicates to your brain that the mind controls the body. 
            Your body is like a little child. It needs to know that you (the parent) are in control. Even if it sucks for the child sometimes. The child needs structure. The body needs structure. Give it some structure this week and see if it responds accordingly. 
            AND Get those damn carbs out of your house, and see how you feel with some fresh fruit and yogurt in your stomach.

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