Friday, December 21, 2012

I Haven't Even Started Yet

I Haven’t Even Started Yet

I went to a Spiritual Friends group meeting today that meets once every second Monday. (You can find it on Facebook searching: Second Monday Spiritual Friends Network, if interested.) The group is filled with therapists, ministers, practitioners, and people who use healing modalities as their life work.
            I sat with four people I didn’t know, which is unusual for me. They were all Jungian Psychiatrists, therapists, and life coaches. I certainly I had heard of Carl Jung, but I didn’t know a great deal about who he was and the foundation of his therapeutic work.
            It happened that the talk today was on Jungian Psychology, which is why a few new people showed up to listen. We learned about something called “The Big Red Book.” I had definitely never heard of the book, which was first published in 2009. It is a publication of Jung’s diaries and drawings from 1913-1922, I believe.
            Carl Jung was the first to talk about how dreams tell of our subconscious mind and used this information for cognitive therapy. He talked of things like “our shadow self” and “the anima and animus,” which is the feminine and masculine subconscious. He introduced our inner child. He talked of metaphor and a larger consciousness than the ego self. And he first spoke of what we now generally know as a collective consciousness.
            I have spent many hours writing to you about a state of consciousness that is very telling of our psychological state—our compassionate observer self. When we are in this place, not only do we have a special point of view that sits outside of the ego, but many believe we also share a state of consciousness with all other beings in this place called the “collective consciousness.” This is how we can, perhaps, know when someone is about to telephone us, or we get information about the future before it happens. All of this information is said to be in this collective consciousness for all to share.
            So, this being said, you don’t have to have a special gift to be blessed with ESP. You simply have to be practiced in the art of getting completely out of your ego self and into the subconscious observer self. The longer you spend time in this meditative place, the more aware you become of things you may never have been concerned about before in your life.
            I entitled this blog, “I haven’t even started yet” because what I am beginning to understand is that, my work, and the work of the people that re around me is to collect the people that are on this path. We are about teaching people the way to consciousness that can protect us from any harm that may be coming our way in the future by projecting information into this collective consciousness for us to hear.
            If you have been meditating and have a clear understanding of what may happen in the future (even if it is on a subconscious level), you will be more apt to avoid what will harm you. Maybe this is the way Spirit is preparing us for a time when the world is prone to more corruption and cataclysmic earth changes of all kinds. This collective consciousness my be how we get protected from harm in the future—a pipeline, perhaps, for things to avoid. Who knows? But it certainly could be a viable possibility.
            When I lived in New York and had a dream of a plane crashing into a building marked 666, this would have been explained by Carl Jung as a collective consciousness moment. I moved from NYC the next year subconsciously because of that dream. I had no idea that the dream would actually come true. But something in my heart led me away from what may have killed my partner had we stayed, who was working in the World Trade Center at that time.
            I believe with all my heart that Spirit is trying to build a clear perceptive pathway for each us to communicate with this collective consciousness. It is time for you and I to get on board and learn to use that 90% of our brain that is not being used, perhaps, just for this reason and this reason alone. 

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