Friday, December 21, 2012

He "Poor, poor, Pitiful Me" Syndrome

The Poor, Poor Pitiful Me Syndrome

My mother, and I'm sure lots of your mothers say this a lot, "My poor son... he always has to get stuck with _________."  And I correct mine every time and say, "Mom, I'm not poor." She retorts, "That's right. I'm sorry. You're not poor. I just feel sorry for you for having to clean up your brother's mess." Or something like that.
            Our words are the most important, creative tools in our lives. If we use them properly, we can manifest great things. If we use them improperly, we will find ourselves in great desperation. Of course, I believe "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." So, if you are saying, "Poor Bo," you are probably thinking Bo is poor. And trust me, I don't want a soul to think that I'm poor. I want everyone, unanimously thinking Bo is abundantly rich. I want to think rich, believe rich, speak rich, and act rich. Because from the abundance of my heart and mind, my life expresses itself. And if you need help believing your rich, I want to invite you into my vision of myself. 
            So, let's start with you and your words and thoughts today. Listen to how many times you berate yourself or speak unkind words like, "how stupid I am," or "could I be more of an idiot?" or "I'll never be able to pay these bills this month." Try, instead, saying, "I may not have gotten it right this time, but I can try harder next time," or "I've got to get back to reading and studying more so that my mind will be quicker and more apt to understand these new electric devices," or "I know in God's great abundance, there will be enough for me to pay all of my bill this month and more."
            You will be amazed at how much changing your mind will change your life. 
            Have you ever heard of Feng Shui? It is the art of redecorating your home with the thought of divine energy taking a role in the process. 
            In this art, a couple of things happen that I believe really tell the story. You have to get rid of all plastic and fake flowers. (I love that.) Nothing unreal in the house. I had a girl friend who was praying for a man. She had a Feng Shui artist come into her house and said, "Do you realize that all your paintings are of women? You must take some of those down and replace them with men." 
            Made sense to me. In Feng Shui, there is one corner of your house for relationship, one corner for prosperity, and so on. I don't know if it really makes a difference if that particular corner is the one you make for prosperity or relationship. But when you focus your energy on that corner and do something specific to garner energy toward prosperity, such as, make a money tree or type out a fake bank statement with $1,000,000 in it, or do a vision board of all the wonderful things you would love to have in your life; then pray every day that angels, combined with your hard work will help create that money... you probably will out picture financial security. It has little to do with the corner itself and much more to do with the focus you attach to it. 
            When I was praying for a mate in my life, I put a Polly Cook painting of a handsome man in the relationship corner of my room, also a vision board of the things I wanted in a relationship with a big circle around MONOGAMY, and a wedding ring. It wasn't long before people were arriving in my life that were fitting that bill. Soon I found exactly what I was looking for. 
            Your words are important. Choose them wisely. But more importantly, choose your energy wisely. Place the energy of your heart in areas that you want to expand in your life. I've watched this work in my life in so many areas, and I will swear by it. I know it works, friends. 

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