Friday, December 21, 2012

Scientology and What You Believe

Scientology and What You Believe

            Who hasn't heard all the hype on television about TomKat and Scientology? Last night I watched a very in depth look at Scientology. The truth is, the religion itself is more a psychological profiling that tries to repress the part of the brain that thinks negative thoughts and keep you in the part of the brain that only thinks positive thoughts. That's what I got out of it. 
            The machines they use look like BioFeedback Machines are all meant to help you understand what is holding you back from your true joy. The auditors are there to keep you looking at what you are afraid of and face it, to move forward from it. It is everything that we all want in our life. EXCEPT, we don't want it to be a religion. And we don't want to be forced to make those decisions for ourselves on a day to day basis. 
            I wonder if the writer of the book "Dianetics," Ron Hubbard, really wanted the outcome of his book to be a religion. I believe the reason this religion scares us, is it looks so much like a cult. Once you are in, they go searching for you and try to pull you back in. They use your family members to try and coerce you. They ostracize you. 
            But, I'll tell you, some of our more traditional religions are now using some of the same tactics when it comes to things like gay marriage and Prolife. If you don't believe in their point of view, you are banned from the church. This, to me, looks rather cultish. When did churches retain the right to tell us how to think? 
            When we take our rights away as individuals to have a point of view that is all our own, we are always dancing with the idea that we are playing with cultish behavior. Don't ever let someone tell you how to believe. 
            Go deep into your heart and ask God to tell you how and what to believe. There is a peaceful place designed in all souls that is connected to the Great Good that will always lead us to our Higher Self and to God. Our DNA is structured that way. 
            In the bible Jesus says that in the final days that the word will be written on our hearts. I believe that is happening now. But you have to be quiet to hear the word calling to you. It's easy to hear the loud preachers and politicians ranting and raving about what you should and shouldn't believe. It's rather hard to take the time to be quiet and listen to the still voice that calls us to our highest self and to the love that permeates all fear and prejudice. 
            Be still and know what YOU believe.

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