Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Grass is Burning: the Metaphor of Nature

My Grass Is Burning: the Metaphor of Nature

At this time of year the sun gets so hot that the grass stops growing and the rain stops raining. For that reason, the grass looks brown and dead. 
            I always look for the metaphor that nature and life is trying to tell me. Could it be that there is a speed up going on in Spirit that we are needing to know about? Usually, this heat spell happens in August, but this year it is happening in late June. I'm wondering what August will look like. 
            Are we going to experience great, lush wonder, then a severe drought? Is God trying to tell us to save from the plenty so that we'll have some to spare for the drought?  
            In times when there were no books and mass media, people counted on things like prophets and signs and wonders to help them with understanding what to do. Have we become blinded to these things as times have changed? 
            Recently Venus passed by the sun. Many spiritual people felt that was a special sign of change. As a Life Coach, I can tell you that many people were going through some heavy changes during that time. More deaths and sickness and relationship problems than I usually see in 2 weeks happened. And I saw many more tears than I normally see, as well. But most people wouldn't notice. 
            We don't consider things like full moons any more or bio energetics. If a full moon can make a tide raise to great heights, and we are made primarily of water, what is the moon doing to our body during the full moon? Is it any wonder there are times you want to howl? 
            I'm just saying here, that if you are low some days and don't know why, it could be seasonal. It could be because some planet is passing the sun. It could be because of the moon. It could be because it's about to rain. We are becoming more and more sensitive to these things as we grow spiritually, and it is highly likely that our bodies are evolving too. 
            I'd love to hear your experiences today with how nature speaks to your body. For me, every time it's going to rain, I get a head ache. 

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