Look Deeper
What You Don't See
we get up and put on our game faces to go to work and face the challenges of
the day. What most of us don't see is the pain, the grief, the sickness, the
anxiety, and the stress each of us have to deal with just to get through each
day. How do we do it and function in a work environment efficiently without
imploding internally and exploding externally?
magical creatures--humans, how we can compartmentalize our emotions and take
care of the tasks that are in front of us and leave what is bothering us on
some unseen folder nested deep in our minds until work is over, the kids are
asleep, the house is manageable and we have a moment to breathe is an amazing
the few moments we give ourselves at the end of the day enough time to really
grieve, deal with our heartache, test the waters of our insecurities and heal
whatever is bothering us? The truth is, it rarely isn't.
is an amalgam of too many things to handle for most people. We need to
went to a workshop once. We were asked to put our deepest dreams on a large
piece of cardboard. It was on the left side. And from that, like a family tree,
we were asked to tell what we thought these dreams would give us
remember my dreams were to be a movie actor and singer. I thought it would give
me joy and fame.
next question was interesting... What emotion does fame give you? I wrote
acceptance. (You were to respond to each of the words your wrote.)
again the family tree thing.. What emotion does acceptance give you? Self
what emotion does self love give you? Oneness with God and peace.
last question was the clincher: What other work in life could you do that could
give you this same emotion that you ended with. Are you sure the dream you
started with is your dream. Or is it your insecurity?
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