Saturday, December 1, 2012

Finding Authentic You

I had a client come in once with TMJ (jaw) problems. He was grinding his teeth to the bone all night. He also was overeating and gaining weight quickly. So, with hypnosis, we used a bell as a trigger, and in a dream state range the bell every time he bit down on his jaw, and then he would release his jaw to set up the idea in his mind that every time he bit down, his mind hear the bell, wake him enough to stop the grinding and he would go back to sleep. The entire week, he also watched what he ate, as it was also in the hypnotic protest.
He came back the next week and said, “Well, I’ve completely stopped grinding my teeth at night, I lost four pounds, but I’ve been depressed all week. What went wrong?”
I replied, “Nothing went wrong. We simply got your escape goats out of the way. Now you have to face your life! That’s a bigger issue than you though, I take it?”
I tell you this, because we clog our lives with so many things that we seldom act out of authenticity. When we do act from place of truth, it feels strange to us. Sometimes, it even feels depressing, especially, if you haven’t been acting from an authentic place for a long time. 
When I finally started to ask the client about his life, it turned out that there were problems all over the place: in his marriage, with his eldest child, with his parents, in his work… We had to one by one look at each problem and find the strength to face it. Not only face it but find power in himself to overcome the problem.
Living authentically is a daily walk. You don’t get to do it one day and then run away from your life the next day. You face it every moment in the present.
At first, you may need someone’s help, like a therapist or a life coach to help you. That is not a bad thing. Don’t think of help as a negative thing. Help is a great thing. I went to therapy for 10 years and continue to go when I need it. I take an antidepressant and have for 20 years. My brain just doesn’t function normally without one. I get severely depressed. I’ve learned that from going off of it about 15 times. Now, I just know, my authentic life requires that I stay on a low dosage to be the best I can be. That is not a mistake. That is a courageous move on my part, every day.
You, too, can be walking in authenticity, if you put away your charades and self-made antics that keep people at a distance and let yourself be exactly what you have been created to be. If people don’t love you for who you are, they don’t deserve to be in your life. It’s that simple. Find someone who does deserve to be there.
In the becoming authentic me, many people have slipped through my life. Some, I don’t even know for what reason. I’ve actually stopped asking myself why, because it just brings me back to the past and haunts me with hurt and the what ifs. The truth for me now is that I’m surrounded by people who love me for who I am NOW. That’s all that counts. The past stays in the past. The future is unlimited because I live in the presence of unlimited source. The future will be what it will be. I have no control over it. But I suspect that as I sow seeds of truth, I shall also reap truth. This is living in the now. This is authenticity.

 dear friends of “Blog to Grow for Spirit,” I am so happy to announce that for this Holiday season I am offering two special editions of Inspirational Books: IN SEARCH OF A MORE AUTHENTIC YOU, Book 1 and Book 2. Each book has 100 readings from my spiritual and inspirational writings.

If you have someone you’ve been wanting to share my blog with, I’d recommend getting a copy for this special person this season. I am only offering this book in Kindle or PDF platform this season. But if you want to get it, print it out, and give it to someone you love, you are certainly welcome to do that.

 cost for each book is only $3.99.  You can’t beat that for a Christmas bargain. All you have to do is send me an email and I will send you the book via email as an attachment. You can pay for the book by Paypal (, Credit Card [by providing info in the email or by phone (615) 400-2334], or by sending a check to:
Bo Sebastian
5001 Maywood Drive
Nashville, TN 37211

Also, for this season, please consider shopping at for mp3s, books, paintings, and gift certificates for any services I offer: hypnotherapy, private yoga, vocal lessons, and private vegetarian cooking classes.

I’ll be happy to send you a beautiful gift certificate or you can create one of your own. Again payment can be by Paypal (, Credit Card [by providing info in the email or by phone (615) 400-2334], or by sending a check to the above address.

Many thanks to you for supporting me and my work: To Grow For Spirit.
Bo Sebastian, CHT
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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and LifeCoach, available for private sessions to Quit Smoking, Lose Weight with the new Lap Band-Hypnosis, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334.  
I am trying to spread the word about my blog and I need your help. Please let your friends know it exists, if it gives you hope and blesses you each day. Your connection to me blesses me in everyway possible. And I would be greatly pleased for you to share anything that you read by clicking the share button in, or add it to your Twitter at BoSebastian; or LinkedIN; or find me at Any of my books can be found on Amazon, just by typing my name in the header.

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