Monday, December 17, 2012

Facing a Loss of Power

How Do You Handle the Loss of Power?

            Most people come to me depleted and wondering why they feel so disenfranchised and full of anxiety. At the heart of almost every problem is a loss of power. 
            Some people give it away. Some people are coerced to give it away. Some people have their power snatched away by force. And the most unfortunate, are so young they have no choice in the matter. 
            Most people who come in to see me (and this may sound so bizarre, have lost their power to a thing, not a person). The thing is usually food or cigarettes or sex or gambling or pornography. This is the easiest of all places to retrieve your power, because it is within your own power and your power only to get back what you alone have given away. 
            But when the transgression has come from another person, the matter gets a little stickier. Forgiveness, boundaries, legalities, and the retrieval of your authentic power all have to be put into their proper place for your health to come back. 
            This takes time and the  of a good mental health practitioner. Don't expect to do something this hard on your own. You are not Svengali. Each step takes special care in the doing to help mend your heart and retrieve that power you so rightfully deserve. 
            If you are one who has been mentally, spiritually, or physically raped or abused, my prayer is this for you today:
            "Spirit God, help me find a way to reach out of my pain and find help. More importantly, I need to forgive myself, forgive You, and try to see what has happened to me as a chance for me to learn a strong lesson about losing my power. There is a powerful God strength inside of me that I know I want to access. Please help me find it again. Lead me to the person who will help me retrieve it without judgment and without pity."
            (I want you to know, friends, that I, too, had been raped as a child. I know, full well that regaining my power has been a life-long job. I accept it fully now. I know that if I touch only one person with what I know and what I learned, I will have succeeded in making it all worth the fight. Much love. Bo)

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