Sunday, December 16, 2012

Can the Definition of Love Change?

Put six different brands of vanilla ice cream in front of you. Taste each one. Decide if you have an opinion on which one you prefer. Then ask yourself if having a preference to the flavor of any of the brands changes the definition of vanilla ice cream for you?

I’ve fallen in and out of love lots of times in my life. Each time I think I have redefined love. Most times I believe I have found the next step forward to a deeper, greater love. Does this mean that love has changed? Or does it mean that I am getting closer to understanding the truth of what real love should be?

Recently I have fallen in love, when I had vowed to protect my heart and to wait and wait and wait until I my heart was ready to receive love in a way that I could not say “no” to it.  Yet, love found its way to me, despite my forthright, protective layer.

I have discovered, as a result, that love has no boundaries, nor does it have considerations. It is, however, limitless at its source. What I never considered was this:

love depends on its conduits—both the receivers and the givers.

The Source of love is the same always, but the conduits of love in your life change. So, the definition is the same. Just the way we give and the amount we are able to receive from someone else is what changes.

It would stand to reason, that as we grow and become stronger and more responsible spiritual beings, we would become greater conduits for God’s love. As we attract what we give, then that law of reciprocity would stand—as we allow in our lives a greater and stronger flow of Source Love to come to us.

Last week I tasted the best vanilla ice cream I have ever eaten in my life. Was I just ready for it; incredibly hungry; or simply open to the best life has to give? None of these reasons redefines vanilla ice cream, but it sure does change my experience of it.

I realize today more than ever that you can only have what you believe you can receive. Make ready yourselves for the best—always—then open your heart to life’s best. There will be many conduits flowing toward you. But you will know when the energy and the Source is the right connection for you. This could be for your work, for prosperity, for love, for friendships, or for inspiration for your art. This Law of Life works! Try it.

Bo Sebastian is also a clinical hypnotherapist and life coach. You can check out more blogs and more information at

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