Monday, March 4, 2013

Unborn Possibilities Within Each of Us

Unborn Possibilities Within Each of Us

A dear friend gave me some seeds last year that she asked me to immediately place in the freezer. She told me in February that she would provide me with direction so that the seeds would be viable for the coming year. The seeds were tiny, but as I could see from the pictures of the beautiful, large Delphinium, they were going to be amazing.

About a week ago, my friend texted me with the next directions to the seeds. I had to get an organic seed starter, take the seeds from the freezer and plant the seeds in plastic bags in the organic seed starter with a modicum of water and leave them in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.  After this two-week period, the seeds would start to form small seedlings, which I will transplant into pots—from there, nurture them into fully-grown, blue Delphinium.

I’m looking forward to seeing the flowers spread around my garden with the other 200 or so varieties of other plants. I’m sure they will be stunning, and I’m sure they will grow. Because I have grown hundreds of seeds in my life, I have absolute faith in the process of a seed growing, just like I have faith in the idea that there are unborn or unnurtured seeds within each of us that need some time to be caressed and held and loved to be led to fullness.

What is repressed in the shadows of your mind and heart that needs nurturing to find fullness? That’s the question I want you to ask yourself tonight. Don’t try to dig into your subconscious. Just ask God to shed some light on what you might be missing in your life. What are you on this planet for? What is the bigger picture you might be missing? Then let yourself dream.

When you find some seeds of possibility, then it’s time to bring them to the surface and begin to ask the question that my good friend provided me with: How do I nurture these seeds to create a crop or plants for the coming seasons of my life?

Then you wait for that person or guide to come into your life with the wisdom to lead you forward. That guide can also help you nurture your blessing once it manifests or he/she can lead you to someone more capable to take you further forward toward manifesting your dreams.

In all of us there is vast possibility for more and more than what we ever expect from ourselves. I believe we sit on our laurels and wait for life, instead of leaning into life. We have to unfold from within complacency, especially as the universe nears its maturity. The time is now for all of us to be creating. We are creators, made in the image of God. We sit on this power as if we do not know who we are. It’s time to wake up.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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